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The Next Concept Explosion | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The PA hints to us that Abu Mazen may order the security forces to join the war alongside Hamas. Tens of thousands of PA weapons carriers are on their way to being the "next surprise" How is it that Netanyahu and Gantz continue to fuel the monster?. At least three Palestinian officers were assassinated in the Jenin refugee camp two weeks ago, along with 14 other terrorists. A few days earlier, Fatah head Atta Abu Ramila, a longtime leader of terrorism and incitement, was arrested in Jenin.

The PA hints to us that Abu Mazen may order the security forces to join the war alongside Hamas Tens of thousands of PA weapons carriers are on their way to being the "next surprise" How is it that Netanyahu and Gantz continue to fuel the monster?

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh recently said in an interview that if Abbas wanted to be popular with the Arabs, he would order his security forces to join the war alongside Hamas, against Israel. He hinted that this option was on the table as far as the Ramallah authorities were concerned.

This veiled threat connects to petitions recently sent by Palestinian officers to the head of the Palestinian Authority, including a threat of rebellion: "Our job is to defend the Palestinian people and we want to fight against the Zionist enemy," they write. In Ramallah they try to obscure the phenomenon, in Israel they do not report and ignore them, but the 60,<> weapons carriers of the partner sitting among us have become a clear and tangible threat. Those trained by the CIA & Co., and they're on their way to being the next "surprise."

At the same time, despite Israeli attempts at concealment, the involvement of Palestinian Authority soldiers in terrorism against us is evident and increasing. At least three Palestinian officers were assassinated in the Jenin refugee camp two weeks ago, along with 14 other terrorists. A few days earlier, Fatah head Atta Abu Ramila, a longtime leader of terrorism and incitement, was arrested in Jenin. Only after the outbreak of the war, together with a general change in policy, did they also act against this terrorist, from within the Palestinian Authority.

About a week and a half ago, the four heads of the terrorist organizations in the region, who were together in one car, were assassinated in Tulkarm, including the commander of Hamas murderers, the commander of Fatah murderers, and the commander of an organization called "The Quick Response," which was also established by an officer in Mahmoud Abbas' apparatus and was recently assassinated. It has been proven how Fatah and the PA work together with Hamas and Jihad.

Abu Mazen's channels have become full partners of Hamas. They encourage and echo the terrorists and identify with them. Israel? It does nothing against these channels of incitement that preach against us without interference

In general, the dramatic events in the south and north obscure the great drama taking place in Judea and Samaria. Nearly 200 terrorists have been killed by the IDF there since the outbreak of the war. Some of them are attempted attacks, like yesterday, but many are initiated by the IDF, the likes of which have not been carried out since 2002. From the Jenin refugee camp to the Kasbah of Nablus, from Mount Hebron to the new hit - Tulkarm near Route 6.

Military forces enter to arrest wanted persons and demonstrate control, armed terrorists go out to confront and are eliminated. Suddenly it becomes clear what has grown under our noses in recent years - a kingdom of terror, weapons, IEDs, booby-traps, shafts, militias that have entrenched themselves and become stronger. Nothing surprising, I wrote obsessively about this phenomenon, but the Netanyahu and Gantz governments did nothing, except deal with very ticking bombs.

Even worse, under Netanyahu and Gantz, the concept of "strengthening" the PA and shackling the IDF's hands continued to star. Gantz, as defense minister, ordered the withdrawal of forces from Samaria, until we started bleeding, Netanyahu tied his hands to the IDF at the Sharm and Aqaba conferences. The Palestinians smelled blood, fired at soldiers, threw Molotov cocktails, threw IEDs, not to mention stones. They climbed on IDF vehicles brazenly, with almost no response – we lost our deterrence, not to mention our dignity.

Masked men waving pictures of Nasrallah, photo: uncredited

Only in recent weeks has the IDF suddenly become an army instead of a neutered police force. The results are being felt on the ground – the enemy has begun to be afraid, the social networks are restrained, but the terrorist organizations are trying to help Hamas in Gaza and carry out attacks, while the enemy army of the Palestinian Authority is bubbling.

He recently returned his soul to the Creator of the PA's television correspondent from Khan Yunis, Mohammed al-Khattab. Prior to his assassination, he enthusiastically reported on Hamas' "heroic actions," highlighted on television by his Ramallah partners. He reported with great pride on the "liquidation of the settlers of the settlements of Kafr Gaza and Bari," all on Abu Mazen's television. In the same spirit, Abbas Zaki, a member of the Central Committee and a veteran of Fatah, saluted Hamas, all while none of the Palestinian Authority leaders uttered a sound of condemnation or disapproval of the atrocities of October 7.

But Abbas' channels go much further. Since the enemy stormed Sukkot, they have been full partners of Hamas. Encourage, identify and echo "heroic warriors and their sacred work for Palestine." In the same breath, the PA encourages terrorism in Judea and Samaria. It places a guard of honor at some of the funerals of terrorists assassinated by the IDF, including those of Hamas and Jihad, alongside Fatah. The funerals are broadcast live on PA TV, and speeches promising and threatening to eliminate the "Zionist enemy" are highlighted. Israel is accused 24 hours a day of war crimes and massacres, while commentators from the Arab world, especially Egypt, are invited to the broadcast, competing with each other to support Hamas more and justify its actions.

Since half to a third of the money we transferred to Ramallah went to building government institutions in Gaza, we built the Hamas army with our own hands. Now we are still building the "Palestinian Police" – an army for all intents and purposes

Israel does nothing against all of this, although suddenly, against enemies who are not part of the ranks of the Palestinian Authority from Ramallah, the trend has reversed. Suddenly, it is permissible to carry out against them everything that was forbidden until October 7. For example, this week a closure order was issued against a Hamas-affiliated website called al-Qastel, most of whose employees have blue ID cards. It is a site that specialized in anti-Semitic incitement, especially regarding the Temple Mount, where the phrase "Flood al-Aqsa" – the code name for the Hamas massacre – was regularly used. The same was forbidden this week on behalf of Hezbollah's Al-Mayadeen channel, after years of free incitement. Some 150 people have been arrested since the war broke out in Jerusalem alone. And now, the Palestinian Authority's channels of incitement preach against us without any hindrance.

Funding the enemy army

This week, too, a confrontation broke out in the cabinet over the payments to Ramallah terrorists, when the PA, in its audacity, returned the money because of the deduction of the part designated for Gaza. But the very decision to continue paying Abbas embodies the continuation of the suicidal concept. Beyond the fact that the funds for terrorists encourage terrorism, it is now clear how Hamas managed to dedicate all the money to a terrorist empire, without investing anything in Gaza: simply because half to a third of the funds that we transferred to the Ramallah terrorists, under the Oslo Accords, were transferred to building government institutions in Gaza. This is how we built the Hamas army with our own hands, and now we are still building what is falsely called the "Palestinian Police" - an army in every respect, which also includes armored vehicles and armed and trained forces.

So how is it that the Netanyahu-Gantz co-production, with the support of the defense establishment, continues to fuel the Palestinian monster despite breaking the concept in the south and north is hard to fathom. After all, it's exactly the same perception, the same self-deception, the same lack of spine. We continue to ignore the basic goal that Arafat's students set on their banner – to replace the "settlements" of Tel Aviv, Beeri, Safed and, of course, Jerusalem.

One can argue about the timing of cutting off the oxygen pipelines of this enemy entity, one could argue that it is important to rank between the fronts, but the strategic goal must be clear: to eliminate the Palestinian Authority and national movement. Otherwise, we will discover that we sent our soldiers to be killed in Gaza, only to destroy the enemy from Ramallah the next day, with the blood of our fallen.

Sixth Cabinet

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-16

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