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Take out coats: Winter is here | Full Forecast | Israel Hayom

11/18/2023, 8:55:20 PM

Highlights: From the middle of the night to Monday rainy and windy, possible snow at the summit of Mount Hermon. The Mediterranean Sea will be rough to rough and dangerous for bathing with waves 220-400 centimeters high. Police are deploying large forces on roads and streams in the east of the country and have even issued warnings to travelers. All surfing trails in the Judean Desert will be closed to visitors, as well as all hiking trails in. the Dargah, Mashash, Tekoa, Euphrates and Og streams.

Weather forecast - from the middle of the night to Monday rainy and windy, possible snow at the summit of Mount Hermon

Weather forecast: If the IDF so far has been fighting relatively mild weather, starting tonight (between Saturday and Sunday), especially winter weather will prevail in most areas of the country, especially along the coast - from north to south. The police are deploying large forces on roads and streams in the east of the country and have even issued warnings to travelers.

Forecast in detail

Tomorrow (Sunday) it will be rainy and windy in the north and center of the country with a heavy risk of flooding in the coastal plain and lowlands. There will be a noticeable drop in temperatures. In the south of the country, your father will do and strong winds will blow. From noon, the rain will spread to the Negev and there is a risk of flooding in the eastern and southern rivers. At the summit of Mount Hermon there may be light snow. The Mediterranean Sea will be rough to rough and dangerous for bathing with waves 220-400 centimeters high.

Monday will be cooler than usual and there will be occasional localized rain from the north of the country to the Negev in intervals. There will be gusty winds and there is a risk of flooding in the eastern and southern streams. The Mediterranean Sea will be high in waves and dangerous for bathing with waves 120-240 centimeters high.

Unusual flows in a feeder stream following the rain // Photo: Scrolls PR

Tuesday will be partly cloudy with a slight increase in temperatures. In the north of the country there will be strong easterly winds. The Mediterranean Sea will be wavy with waves 50-120 centimeters high.

Wednesday will be partly cloudy with no noticeable change. The Mediterranean Sea will be wavy with waves 50-100 centimeters high.

Police warn the travelling public

Police are deployed on roads and streams in the Judean Desert and Dead Sea sectors. In the coming days, all surfing trails in the Judean Desert will be closed to visitors, as well as all hiking trails in the Dargah, Mashash, Tekoa, Euphrates and Og streams.

Floods in the Judean Desert, photo: Limor Katan Friedman Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Police recommendations for road users and travelers:

  • Distance and speed must be maintained in accordance with road conditions, with an emphasis on roads in the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea, where flooding and flooding are expected.
  • It is forbidden to cross flowing streams and to exercise caution and obey the instructions of the police officers stationed at the blocking posts and the instructions that will be disseminated in real time according to weather conditions.
  • Caution should be exercised near reservoirs, springs and streams due to the existing dangers of falling, drifting and drowning.
  • Travelers who come to the area to watch the floods are asked to do so from safe places and obey the instructions of the police, volunteers and Nature and Parks Authority inspectors.

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