The Limited Times

Opinion | Families of Abductees - We Must Broadcast a Message of Unity | Israel Hayom

11/20/2023, 12:15:02 AM

Highlights: After the Simchat Torah massacre, two missions for war were defined: elimination of Hamas and the return of hostages. Ronen Tzur cynically takes advantage of the families of the abductees who go crazy out of concern and harnesses them and their pain to a political crusade. He and his friends leverage the plight of the Families to claim, with a great deal of success, that only Netanyahu is to blame for the failure. The more you talk, the higher the price. If you want to succeed, don't show enthusiasm.

It's our time to be together. Division weakens us. The people understood that. Families, don't fall into the hands of those who offer public relations and communication skills

It took some time to come to its senses, but very early after the Simchat Torah massacre, two missions for war were defined: the elimination of Hamas and the return of the hostages. No one in the country had any doubt that these were the tasks. No one will feel that the move is complete without both of these goals being achieved.

"Going to bring them back": The families' march in Jerusalem, Route 1 // Photo: Israel Security Agency sha_b_p@

There were some very strong emotions that led us in the weeks after the war: the first was terrible trauma, immense pain. The second born immediately afterward, just as twins are born, is the desire to help, to volunteer, to facilitate the existence of the other, to alleviate the pain. The third was a very strong feeling of unity, of "together we will win," of mutual responsibility, of bridging gaps. To summarize all three of them in a sentence: together we will triumph over the great darkness.

Ronen Zur, Photo: Rami Zaranger

Then comes Ronen Tzur, and cynically takes advantage of the families of the abductees who go crazy out of concern and harnesses them and their pain to a political crusade that he has been leading for years. He and his friends leverage the plight of the families to claim, with a great deal of success, that only Netanyahu is to blame for the failure.

There are three fundamental problems here: The first is that they represent only a small part of the families of the abductees, and this does not prevent them from defining themselves as the "headquarters of the families." Second: Remember the kidnapping of the three teenagers nine years ago? The mothers repeated the same message over and over again, a message of unity. That's the message that needs to be pumped now, too. That is, "Do not say-begat, do not preach in the streets of Ashkelon, lest the daughters of the Philistines be delighted, lest the daughters of the Aralim be insulted." Or in the words of Rabital Vitalson – shut up. It's a time of togetherness. Division weakens us. The people understood this, and you come and divide, incite and incite. Sit quietly and let work.

Terrorists released in the Shalit deal, photo: AFP

Third, the more you talk, the higher the price. That's how it is in negotiations. If you want to succeed, don't show enthusiasm. What is happening now, as soon as the conditions of Sue Cold Family Headquarters are seriously discussed, is that first of all the abductees must be released and only then Hamas must be toppled, as if it does not involve each other.

Remember the kidnapping of the three teenagers nine years ago? The mothers repeated the same message over and over again, a message of unity. That's the message that needs to be pumped now

The crime of the Shalit deal is now replicating itself many times over. Even if we ignore the terrible price it exacted, when some of those released from the deal participated and even planned the 7.10 massacre, the price set then, after an aggressive and manipulative campaign, is that there is no price. Let the State of Israel pay everything because it doesn't live up to it, because Netanyahu doesn't live up to it.

Of course, I have nothing against the families of the abductees. When someone comes and offers them a well-oiled organization with public relations and budgetary capabilities, and they just need to come – it makes perfect sense that some of them will come. But when the closing event of their march is held on Saturday, when anyone who disagrees with the agenda cannot participate, it's cynical, it's divisive, it's political, and this is not the time.

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