The Limited Times

Opinion | And how does the red flag relate to it | Israel Hayom

11/21/2023, 7:16:55 AM

Highlights: The red flag of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Che is the greatest danger to the country. With terrorists and armies we will deal and succeed; The red assault on the soul is harder. The Reds are primarily responsible for spreading blood libels against Israel around the world. Most LGBT organizations in the world are sheltered under the red flag, LGBT people have been kidnapped by cynical politicians, and serve as human shields for them. With the end of the war and the return of healing, Israel must return to Jabotinsky's "Had-Ness"

The red flag of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Che is the greatest danger to the country • With terrorists and armies we will deal and succeed • The red attack on the soul is harder • They initiate blood libels

On Sunday this week, a reservist soldier entered a café in Haifa in uniform.

An employee who was there kicked her out because "the uniform might scare customers." The soldier left the scene and said she felt humiliated. Everyone who read the soldier's tweet felt humiliated along with her.

How is it possible that in our country, where there is an atmosphere of togetherness to be proud of, such ugly acts are being committed? The Internet is full of publications about restaurants that feed soldiers for free, or civilians who open their wallets for soldiers in supermarkets, chefs from top restaurants go down to the field to cook for soldiers, families open their homes to evacuees, thousands come to funerals, condolences for mourners, and visit families of abductees. Civil society organizations, commercial companies, political bodies and ordinary citizens are descending on the south to save agricultural crops.

The reason we enlist for each other is that we are a people, one of the oldest peoples in the world, but also one of the last; We Jews see other Jews as our brothers, we have brotherhood and shared destiny; The wandering Jew found refuge with his fellow Jews, and was subsequently the object of hatred among our neighbors in Spain, Russia, Germany and Iraq.

That's why the feeling of betrayal felt by the soldier is so strong. When U.S. troops returned home from Vietnam, they were also met with curses, curses, and boycotts, but they felt politically and politically betrayed. We feel a personal betrayal, especially strong, because a waitress in a café is not supposed to be a political opponent, and even if she is, she is still a nurse, she is not supposed to expel another sister.

The café manager said that there is no "official policy" for deporting soldiers, but I was still interested in what causes café employees to expel a female soldier even though it is "not official policy"? Why would Cafe A expel a female soldier and Cafe B give her coffee as a gift?

A quick stroll through the internet gave me the answer: a huge picture of Che Guevara adorned the entrance to the café.

The female soldier was expelled not because there was a policy of expelling soldiers, but because there was a culture of expelling soldiers. A picture of the murderer Che Guevara says everything you need to know about the place: a culture of hatred of Judaism, hatred of nationality, hatred of freedom and hatred of any personal or political identity, which does not connect to Marxist revolutionary and murderous interests.

More than the flags of Hamas, Fatah or Hezbollah, the red flag of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Che is the great danger to the country. With terrorists and armies we will deal and succeed; The red assault on the soul is harder to deal with. The Red Attack on the State of Israel does not take place only in subversive cafes and demonstrations by extreme left-wing organizations – the Reds are primarily responsible for spreading blood libels against Israel around the world.

It is not only in state organizations that red poison is fighting Israel. Most LGBT organizations in the world are sheltered under the red flag, LGBT people have been kidnapped by cynical politicians, and serve as human shields for them

The BBC, for example, does not just spread blood libels against Jews. Like that Haifa café, it has no official "policy" against IDF soldiers – it has a red culture. It was BBC employees who lied that the IDF was deliberately attacking medical teams because the IDF, the army of the sovereign Jewish state, is the opposite of global socialism, and in a war where everything is kosher, certainly lies.

It is not only in state organizations that red poison is fighting Israel. Most LGBT organizations in the world are sheltered under the red flag, LGBT people have been kidnapped by cynical politicians, and serve as human shields for them. This is how we get Palestinian flags next to LGBT flags, as if those LGBT people would not have been executed under Hamas in a second.

By the way, the first time in history that a pride flag was raised in Gaza was by an IDF soldier.

With the end of the war and the beginning of healing, Israel must return to Jabotinsky's article "Had-Ness." Because today, as then, there will be no resurrection for Israel alongside the red flag.

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