The Limited Times

Opinion | They say antisemitism exists in the world | Israel Hayom

11/21/2023, 6:36:10 AM

Highlights: The pro-Palestinian drift in universities is deeply nauseating, and creates great despair. The world will continue to think that it is legitimate to talk about Jews as murderers, not victims. This is simple basic anti-Semitism. A university president who allows support for the Palestinian terrorist side in the Middle East is doing so on the basis of an old hatred of Jews. He has never smiled at a joke that could sound, God forbid, a quarter racist towards blacks. He refuses to declare that slaughtering 1,400 innocent people and kidnapping 240 innocents is a crime.

How did it happen that even the Simchat Torah massacre failed to change positions completely? And the answer, old and a little old-fashioned: anti-Semitism. Hatred of Jews

One can be blown away by the pictures coming from universities in the United States and around the world: demonstrations against Israel are expanding, and proper branding activity of the bad guys is causing more and more young people to join the wrong side of the story. It's very frustrating: How can even October 7 fail to win in this arena?

It must be said that this question does not apply to two constituencies: states and students. There is no trust in the positions of governments. They operate solely from interests, and especially these days, when the conflict takes the form of an inter-bloc conflict, it is very difficult to believe actions and words, good or bad. One can, of course, rely on a sympathetic position of a country or hug Argentine President Millay tightly on the Israeli flag flying above him, but that's not the point.

There is another public that is dangerous, but it is very difficult to teach it or change its mind, and these are the students. I have deep contempt for the enthusiastic young people who are deceived by Palestinian propaganda in American universities. I know this is a slightly old-fashioned position, but that doesn't make it wrong. The pro-Palestinian drift in universities is deeply nauseating, and creates great despair.

The question is: what about the whole middle? Educated people all over the world, whose most loyal representation is among interviewers in television studios and in articles by academics and journalists. How did it happen that even the Simchat Torah massacre failed to change positions completely? And the answer, old and a little old-fashioned: anti-Semitism, hatred of Jews.

This is something we sometimes avoid saying out loud, because it is perceived as outdated and whiny. We prefer to talk about Israel being perceived as strong and Hamas as weak; the tendency to be a persecuted people and the success of BDS campaigns; And we avoid, for natural reasons, the understanding that behind every British bastard in the studio who asks a question about "proportionality" there is a grandmother who believes that Jews control the world economy, and a great-grandmother who believes that they involve the blood of Christian children in matzo.

For natural reasons, we avoid realizing that behind every British bastard in the studio who asks a question about "proportionality" there is a grandmother who believes that Jews control the world economy, and a great-grandmother who believes they involve the blood of Christian children with matzah

I am not familiar with the Israeli public relations arena in the world. I draw my knowledge from articles by colleagues in the Israeli media. I am well versed in the story we tell ourselves, and I know that if it is accurate, it will come out. And if we continue to be funny and refrain from calling this dirty boy by his name, the world will continue to think that it is legitimate to talk about Jews as murderers, not victims. This is simple basic anti-Semitism.

A university president who allows support for the Palestinian terrorist side in the Middle East from a plurality of opinions is doing so on the basis of an old hatred of Jews that is deeply ingrained in his racist psyche. He has never smiled at a joke that could sound, God forbid, a quarter racist towards blacks, and above the bathroom of his institution there is not the slightest hint of gender labeling, God forbid, but he refuses to declare that slaughtering 1,400 innocent people and kidnapping 240 innocents is a crime. That's because he's an anti-Semitic racist and hates Jews.

He doesn't know it, so let's remind him. We won't talk about anything else. Just about that.

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