The Limited Times

Stop violence against women: Information booth at the Freising weekly market

11/24/2023, 6:11:02 PM

Highlights: "Every 45 minutes, a woman in Germany is exposed to physical violence by her partner," says the Women's Network. "Orange the World" is the motto of a UN campaign calling for an end to violence against women. Bright orange paint in shop windows, on buildings and posters is intended to draw people's attention to the problem. In Freising, there were lectures on the topic this week and today, Saturday, a specially founded "Women's Network" fights against domestic violence with an information booth.

Status: 24.11.2023, 19:00 PM

By: Miriam Kohr

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With information against violence against women: The HilDa counselling centre provides information on Orange Day. © HILDA

HilDa and the Freising Women's Shelter explain much more about the important topic of violence against women, where those affected can find help and how to deal with those affected.

Freising – "Every 45 minutes, a woman is exposed to physical violence by her partner," says the Women's Network, which has joined forces for the "Orange Days" action days to draw attention to violence against women. Two network members know how affected women feel and how those affected can be helped. "Orange the World" is the motto of a UN campaign calling for an end to violence against women. Bright orange paint in shop windows, on buildings and posters is intended to draw people's attention to the problem. In Freising, there were lectures on the topic this week and today, Saturday, a specially founded "Women's Network" fights against violence against women with an information booth at the Green Weekly Market.

The Freising counselling centre HilDa and the women's shelter, both under the sponsorship of Diakonie, are represented in the network. HilDa counsellor Katharina Strasser says: "Again and again, I notice that the affected women have great inhibitions about confiding in each other and seeking help." In doing so, she underlines why such campaigns are important. "This is even more important than ever, because violence is on the rise, not only in the partnership," emphasizes Christina Mayer, head of the Department of Domestic and Sexualized Violence at Diakonie.

Listening without reproach

Strasser knows from her clients that family and friends often react emotionally when those affected confide in them. "Most people can't understand why a woman can't get out of an abusive relationship. They often insist on the immediate termination of the relationship and make accusations," Strasser describes. But this is the wrong way to go. Every woman has her own personal story and her reasons why she doesn't get out of her situation. "For many of those affected, the violent environment seems safer than the uncertainty that follows," says Mayer. After all, women who break away from their violent partners face many challenges: securing their livelihoods, custody, childcare and more.


What can acquaintances, friends or neighbours do if they are directly aware of this domestic violence? "If it is acute and life-threatening, you should always call the police and also testify as a witness," Mayer asks. "In general, if you suspect something, you should always talk to the woman concerned alone," advises Mayer. You can offer to accompany them to counselling centres, you can listen or even suggest keeping an emergency bag for the woman if she has to or wants to flee quickly to a women's shelter. "In any case, you shouldn't think you can save your world on your own," Mayer advises. Relatives can also turn to the women's shelter or HilDa for advice.

Recognising signs

"Many affected women withdraw, reduce social contacts, become more introverted," says Mayer. Some become more skittish, anxious, or sick more often. "Bruising can also be a sign." Mayer points out, however, that all of this can also have other causes and that there is no patent remedy for reliably recognizing domestic violence.

Women who are affected themselves can contact HilDa anonymously via online form, by phone or e-mail, and are given the space to "tell everything". "This can be an important first step for many. We also advise on further steps. The woman decides when she wants to come back and whether she wants to move to a women's shelter." If no place can be found in a women's shelter, the staff will be happy to help with the application for protection against violence at the family court. It is important for Mayer to emphasize: "We are subject to confidentiality and do not report anything to the youth welfare office or the police."

"Unfortunately, reality presents itself as a complex picture that is not only black and white, but also has many shades of grey," says Strasser about the situation of affected women. That's why it's important to the two of them to color these shades of gray and make them visible. Strasser: "The Orange Days are intended to draw attention to the danger that violence against women is taboo and swept under the proverbial carpet."

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Good to know

More information about HilDa and the women's shelter can be found at HilDa can be reached by phone for affected women and relatives at (0 81 61) 49 47 40 or by e-mail:, the women's shelter at Tel. (0 81 61) 9 12 12, e-mail:

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