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Israel and the US: Four Initiatives for the Voluntary Exit of Gaza Residents to Other Countries | Israel Hayom

11/30/2023, 11:00:54 AM

Highlights: The plan was exposed in Israel Hayom and presented to senior officials from both parties in the House and Senate. The countries in question: Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Turkey. The US administration announced in the early stages of the war that it would oppose the forced removal of Gaza residents from Gaza. However, official statements indicate that the administration will not oppose voluntary departure. Three other initiatives are currently being proposed to the public in Gaza to immigrate to other countries. All the proposals refer to voluntary immigration only, and not coercion.

The plan, which was exposed in Israel Hayom and presented to senior officials from both parties in the House and Senate, received their blessing • Three similar plans are currently being promoted • The countries in question: Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Turkey

New details were revealed today (Thursday) about the proposals to resettle residents of the Gaza Strip in Arab countries and around the world.

In addition to the plan exposed on the Israel Hayom website, three other initiatives are currently being proposed to the public in Gaza to immigrate to other countries. It should be emphasized that all the proposals refer to voluntary immigration only, and not coercion.

The US administration announced in the early stages of the war that it would oppose the forced removal of Gaza residents from Gaza. However, official statements indicate that the administration will not oppose voluntary departure. The Israel Hayom website exposed an initiative, publicly sponsored by U.S. Representative Joey Wilson, according to which the U.S. would condition its continued economic aid to Egypt, Turkey, and Yemen on residents leaving Gaza living in their territory. The plan was presented to senior officials in the House and Senate from both parties, and received their blessing.

Documentation: Gaza residents evacuate through humanitarian corridor | IDF Spokesperson

"Not only Egypt"

"Hamas does not allow refugees to leave, and Egypt does not agree to open its borders," the plan's authors write, "The only moral solution is to ensure that Egypt opens its borders and allows refugees to escape the control of Hamas' dictators. The US government provides Egypt with approximately $1.3 billion in foreign aid, which can be allocated to refugees from Gaza who are allowed to enter Egypt.

"Egypt must not be the only country. Iraq and Yemen receive about $150 billion in U.S. foreign aid, and Turkey receives more than $1 million. Each of these countries receives enough foreign aid and has a population large enough to be able to absorb refugees, who add up to less than <> per cent of its population." The drafters of the initiative call on the U.S. government to "allocate financial aid to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Turkey – provided they accept a certain number of refugees."

The plan specifies the number of Gazans each country will receive: one million in Egypt (0.9 percent of the population), half a million in Turkey (0.6 percent of the population), 250,0 in Iraq (6.250 percent of the population), and another 0,75 in Yemen (<>.<> percent of the population). As noted, each of these countries receives extensive financial aid from the United States, and according to the planners, as stated, its continuation should be conditional on the acceptance of Gazans.

The plenum of the US Congress, photo: Reuters

They added: "This will not be the first time that other countries will accept refugees. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, for example, more than 6 million Ukrainians have fled the country. Since 2011, 6.7 million Syrians have fled Syria. 3.2 million Syrian refugees were transferred to Turkey, 789,653 to Lebanon, 150,<> to Jordan and <>,<> to Egypt. Other countries in the Middle East and Europe have received hundreds of thousands."

Another initiative continues to be promoted by MKs Danny Danon (Likud) and Ram Ben-Barak (Yesh Atid), who put the issue on the international agenda. The two speak with world leaders and have even received inquiries from countries interested in the initiative.

"Gaza relocation"

A third plan is called "Gaza Relocation," and is being promoted by Likud member Amir Whitman. Whitman told Israel Hayom: "The discourse is both in the Knesset and among international bodies, including both parties in the United States. There are many sensitivities and complexities, so at the moment people are not yet speaking publicly, but are open to ideas. However, it needs to be done gently." "To the extent that it becomes clear that Israel is interested in this direction, it will affect the international elements."

A fourth initiative is being promoted in the United States by a bipartisan group of supporters of Israel, called "Gaza Crossing – Helping Non-Combatant Gaza Residents Leave." Professor Edward (Coach) Winehouse is the living spirit behind it.

Refugees in the southern Gaza Strip Photo: GettyImages

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