The Limited Times

Tarn: a high school supervisor attacked with a knife by a 16-year-old teenager

11/30/2023, 5:58:01 PM

Highlights: A supervisor at the Las Cases high school in Lavaur, in the Tarn, was stabbed on Thursday, November 30, by a 16-year-old teenager. The public official suffered minor stab wounds to his hand as he tried to intervene during an altercation between two students. The alleged attacker was arrested by the gendarmes of the commune and placed in police custody. The teenager, who did not attend the school, reportedly came to the school for a punitive attack on one of the students.

The public official suffered minor stab wounds to his hand as he tried to intervene during an altercation between two students. The alleged assailant was taken into custody.

The worst was narrowly avoided. A supervisor at the Las Cases high school in Lavaur, in the Tarn, was stabbed on Thursday, November 30, by a 16-year-old teenager, Le Figaro learned from a police source, confirming information from La Dépêche. The alleged attacker was arrested by the gendarmes of the commune and placed in police custody.

The incident took place around 15:30 p.m. in front of the establishment. When an altercation breaks out between two youths, the supervisor tries to intervene to calm things down. One of the two teenagers, threatening, then pulls a knife out of his belongings and threatens the public official. The alleged assailant stabbed the guard, but it is not yet clear whether he was specifically targeting the guard, we are told. The latter dodges the blow, but is hit in the hand. The 35-year-old suffered only minor injuries.

Found thanks to CCTV

After the incident, the perpetrator fled the scene of the attack, before being found by the municipal police thanks to the city's CCTV footage. The gendarmes then proceeded to arrest him.

The 16-year-old teenager, who did not attend the school, reportedly came to the school for a punitive attack on one of the students. According to our colleagues, the mayor of Lavaur, Bernard Carayon, praised "the courageous action of the supervisor, the efficiency of the municipal police whomade it possible to locate the individual thanks to the cameras and the speed of intervention of the gendarmes".

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