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Baptism as a Gift


Highlights: Baptism as a Gift. The Church spreads a message of apparent inclusion that, in the end, says the same as always: "They are not like us." If I were a gay or trans Catholic person, I would return the gift to the sender. Without hesitation. If one believes in Jesus' phrase – "whoever does not believe in me or be baptized will be damned" – being prevented from receiving it is frightening. For someone of faith it is important: if one believes.

The Church propagates a message of apparent inclusion of homosexuals and transgender people that, at its core, says the same old thing: "They are not like us"

Some good news comes dressed in make-up that barely conceals a gesture of rejection. On July 14, the bishop of Santo Amaro, Brazil, José Negri, sent a query to the Vatican about "the possible participation in the sacraments of transsexual and homosexual persons." The Vatican responded with a letter signed by Pope Francis that, as of Oct. 31, has been established as doctrine: transgender Catholics and children of homosexual couples can be baptized. For someone of faith it is important: if one believes in Jesus' phrase – "whoever does not believe in me or be baptized will be damned" – being prevented from receiving it is frightening. This is good news: the Church has decided that these people are also human beings. But there are strings attached. In the response to Negri, it is clarified that transgender people are authorized to receive baptism only "if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or disorientation among the faithful." In relation to the child of a homosexual couple "adopted or obtained through other methods such as surrogacy", it is said that he can be baptized, but that "there must be a well-founded hope that he will be educated in the Catholic religion". What is the origin of these suspicions, other than prejudice? Why would a transgender person be more likely to "cause a scandal" than a heterosexual person? What would this "scandal" consist of? Is there greater proof that someone will be educated in the Catholic faith than the very fact that they are proceeding to be baptized? Is there a presumption that, as soon as he is baptized, a homosexual couple will rush to convert their child to another faith? The Church spreads a message of apparent inclusion that, in the end, says the same as always: "They are not like us." If I were a gay or trans Catholic person, I would return the gift to the sender. Without hesitation.

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Source: elparis

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