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The 8 abductees released from captivity in Gaza in the 7th phase - Walla! news

11/30/2023, 9:37:41 PM

Highlights: The 8 abductees released from captivity in Gaza in the 7th phase - Walla! news. Among them are 21-year-old Maya, from whom we received the first sign of life in a video released by Hamas. Ilana, 30, who immigrated from Mexico and was kidnapped with her boyfriend, who will remain in captivity. Aisha and Bilal, whose brothers and father will remains in the Gaza Strip. The names and stories of the abductees are published here.

Among the abductees released today are 21-year-old Maya, from whom we received the first sign of life in a video released by Hamas; Ilana, 30, who immigrated from Mexico and was kidnapped with her boyfriend, who will remain in captivity; and Aisha and Bilal, whose brothers and father will remain in the Gaza Strip. The names and stories

Video: Documentation of the release of ten Israeli abductees in the sixth phase29.11.23/Al Qahira

Ilana Grichevsky

Ilana, 30, was abducted together with her boyfriend, Matan Tsengawker, 24, from their home in Nir Oz. Ilana immigrated to Israel from Mexico 14 years ago, followed by her parents and sister. Matan, originally reserved, remained in captivity.

Ilana Grichevsky / Documentation in social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

Nili Margalit

Nili, 41, was abducted from her home in Nir Oz. Nili works as a nurse in the Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Soroka Hospital. Nili's last shift at the hospital was on the morning of October 6, a day before she was kidnapped, and Soroka expects her return. Yocheved Lifshitz, who was released from captivity to Israel, said that Nili also treated the wounded in captivity.

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Nili Margalit / Documentation in social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

Mia Shem

Maya's story there became the first sign of life to come from the Gaza Strip when Hamas released a video showing a 21-year-old woman from Shoham with French citizenship. In the video, she is initially seen lying in a hospital bed with an iron attached to her.

In the video, she says: "Hi, I'm Mia Shem, 21 years old from Shoham, I'm currently in Gaza, I came back early Saturday morning from the Sderot area from the party. I was very badly injured in the hand. They took me to Gaza and operated on me hand-in-mouth in hospital for three hours. They take care of me, take care of me, give me medication. Everything is fine, I just ask them to bring me home as soon as possible to my family, my parents, my brothers." From what she said, it can be concluded that she is not alone, as she adds: "Please get us out of here as soon as possible. Please, thank you."

Who is there/Walla system!, Walla

Mia Shem is released from captivity/official website, without

Aisha and Bilal al-Zaidane

Brothers Aisha (17) and Bilal (18) al-Zaidana were abducted alongside their brothers Hamza and father Yusef while working at Kibbutz Dune. The family lives in an unrecognized Bedouin community near Rahat. Hamza and Yusuf will remain in captivity.

Aisha Al Zaidane/Social Media Documentation under Section 27A of the Copyright Law

Bilal Al Zaidane/Social Media Documentation under Section 27A of the Copyright Law

Shani Goren

Shani Goren, 29, was born in Kibbutz Nir Oz and worked there with children in the kibbutz education system. She was abducted to the Gaza Strip on the day of the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7.

Shani cared for 12-year-old Eitan Yahalomi in captivity, his family told Shani's sister, Shira. "His mother, Bathsheba, it was important to call and tell me that Shani gave some of her food so he could have it too. If she had to give of the food, they probably don't have enough," Shira said. She added: "There are many children who have stayed here and are waiting for her. Those who survived the event and also those who returned. The educational staff is waiting for her to come and reset everyone."

Shani Goren/Courtesy of the family

Amit Sosna

Amit Sosna, a 40-year-old lawyer, moved to Gaza last year in search of a calm place to live with her cat. "She loves quiet and animals. She wanted to raise them in a quiet place. And it's an amazing place, paradise. She thought it was the safest place on earth. Mortar shells didn't scare her," said her mother, Mira.

On October 7, Amit wrote to her mother that she heard gunshots and knocking on the door. "At 10:07 a.m., she ran out of battery. At about that hour, contact with everyone was cut off," Mira recalled. "For three weeks they told me she was missing and they blew our souls away. We didn't eat or live. But all the time I felt her, I felt that she was alive. Until three weeks later, they came to tell us that according to verified intelligence, she was kidnapped in Gaza."

Amit Sosna upon release from captivity/official website, none

Amit Sosna with the cat in the village of Gaza/Reuters

Sapir Cohen

Sapir, 29, from Kiryat Ata, was abducted alongside her partner, Sasha Tropanov, his mother Lena and his grandmother Irena - who were released from captivity last night. Sasha's father, Vitaly, was murdered by Hamas terrorists as they infiltrated Kibbutz Nir Oz.

The Cohen family set up a kind of family command post in Kiryat Ata, where Sapir and Sasha's relatives and friends gathered, trying to locate every bit of information and waiting for the news. Indeed, a few days ago the family received a surprising regards. One of the Thai abductees who returned to Israel said that he was imprisoned with Sapir Cohen from the first day to the last, that they were held in underground tunnels that never saw the light of day, and that they constantly changed their positions, replacing the groups that consisted of three to five abductees. He said she was alright, and she kept trying to write a letter to Sasha, but he didn't know if that letter had reached him.

Michal Cohen, a relative of Amit Sosna, told Walla!: "Wow, we're crazy. I was optimistic. I felt like she was coming back; But there was terrible tension. We tried to keep expectations low so as not to be disappointed because we went through a difficult and crazy time. And now that's it, we were screaming and crying, she had already moved to Israel. We're waiting to be picked up to meet her. It will be a big hug. I'm in a dream. Mira, her mother, is half faint here next to me."

Sapir Cohen/Courtesy of the family

  • More on the subject:
  • Abductees
  • Hamas
  • Gaza War
  • Iron Sword War

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