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Welcome back: These are the 10 abductees released from Hamas captivity in the fifth phase - voila! news


Highlights: The list of 10 abductees released from Hamas captivity today, as part of the fifth phase of the abductee deal, was published today. Four of the returnees in the current phase were abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz, and the rest from Nirim and Nir Yitzhak. Meirav, whose boyfriend's sons were released yesterday but is still in captivity, Ada, who turned 75 in Gaza, and Rimon, a video of which was posted by Hamas, were released today.

The returnees, most of them from Kibbutz Nir Oz, join the 51 abductees released in the previous four phases. They will be followed by 10 more, after it was agreed to extend the abductee deal. Meirav, whose boyfriend's sons were released yesterday but is still in captivity, Ada, who turned 75 in Gaza, and Rimon, a video of which was posted by Hamas

Video: A helicopter with the abductees released from Hamas captivity landed at Ichilov Hospital/Photo: Yotam Ronen

The list of 10 abductees released from Hamas captivity today, as part of the fifth phase of the abductee deal, was published today (Tuesday), after their families were informed of their return. Four of the returnees in the current phase were abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz, and the rest from Nirim and Nir Yitzhak.

The returnees join the 51 abductees released over the past four days, followed tonight by another 10 and another 10 tomorrow after it was decided to expand the deal with Hamas.

These are the women returning home today:


Ditza Heiman was one of the founders of Kibbutz Nir Oz. Before 10 a.m. on Black Saturday on October 00, she spoke to her son and said everything was fine. Then the phone was disconnected, and two hours later her daughter called her and was answered by a Hamas terrorist. Later, the family of 7-year-old Ditsa discovered through a video showing her being forcibly taken to a terrorist's car that she had been abducted to the Gaza Strip.

Ditza Heiman/Documentation in social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

Meirav Tal

Meirav Tal and her partner Yair Yaakov were abducted on the day of the attack on October 7 from Yair's home in Kibbutz Nir Oz. "She was in touch with us when the missiles started. I told her and her partner to immediately go into the safe room and be in silence as if you weren't home," said Merav's sister, Karen Blank. "Merav's latest WhatsApp messages reached Walla!: "They're inside the house. We were shot in the room. They are indoors. Help me, Yaya (Yair Yaakov) is wounded. Call the police." Yesterday, Yair's sons, Yagil and Or, were released from captivity - but their father, Merav's spouse, still remains in captivity.

Meirav Tal and Yair Yaakov/Courtesy of the family, Keren Blank

Ophelia Roitman

Ophelia Roitman, 77, is a resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz. For the first three weeks, Roitman was listed as missing, but later her family was informed that she had been abducted to the Gaza Strip.

77-year-old Ophelia Roitman from Kibbutz Nir is listed as missing / official website, without

Rimon Kirscht

Rimon Kirsht, 36, and her husband, Yagev Buchtev, were abducted from their apartment in Kibbutz Nirim on the morning of the Hamas attack on October 7. On October 30, Hamas released a video of three abductees showing Kirsht as well. Her husband Yagev was still in captivity.

Rimon Kirscht and her husband Yagev Buchstev / Documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

Clara Merman and Gabriella and Mia Leimberg

Clara Merman, 63, cared for the children of Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak for 30 years. This evening, she will be released from Hamas captivity along with her sister Gabriella Leimberg and her 17-year-old niece Mia. Mia was kidnapped along with her dog Bella, who was released with her today. The three were kidnapped from Nir Yitzhak along with Clara and Gabriella's brother, Fernando, and Clara's boyfriend, Luis. The other two members of the family are still in Hamas hands.

Moshe Leimberg with his wife Gabriella and daughter Maya who were abducted to the Gaza Strip / official website, none

Maya Leimberg and her dog Bella/documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law, ahmad.ibraa

Norlin (Natalie) Babadila

Nurlin (Natalie) Babadila, a resident of Yehud, traveled the night before the attack on October 7 to Kibbutz Nirim with her partner Gideon Babani, in honor of the 70th anniversary of Kibbutz Nirim. On the morning of the attack, she called her family and said she was scared and might not return. While Gideon was murdered by Hamas terrorists, Nurlin was kidnapped to the Gaza Strip.

Nurlin (Natalie) Babadila, who was abducted by Hamas terrorists into the Gaza Strip. November 28, 2023/Social media documentation under Section 27A of the Copyright Law

Ada Sagi

Ada Sagi, 75, from Kibbutz Nir Oz, is a mother of three and grandmother of six. She marked her 75th birthday with captivity by Hamas terrorists. According to testimonies, Ada fought the terrorists on the day of the terrorist attack on October 7. The family received information that she was injured and said she needed regular medication.

Tamar (Tammy) Metzger

Tamar (Tammy) Metzger, 78, was abducted by Hamas terrorists from her home in Kibbutz Nir Oz together with her husband Yoram. Contact with the couple was cut off during Black Saturday and information about their abduction to the Gaza Strip was received after their personal phones were found in the Gaza Strip. The couple has three children and seven grandchildren. Yoram remains held captive by Hamas in Gaza.

  • More on the subject:
  • Gaza War
  • Iron Sword War

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-11-28

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