The Limited Times

Twice around the world on the Postrad

12/4/2023, 3:36:09 PM

Highlights: Ade Dirschl (90) from Moosen looks back on his childhood, his job as a postal worker, his extended family and his honorary positions, including the fire brigade. He was a postman for 38 years – on foot, by bike and later by car in and around the village. The people were always happy when he came, there was already Schuxenkiache for free. The popular postman was sometimes invited to smoked meat and dumplings at lunchtime, if he brought the mail at the right time.

Status: 04.12.2023, 16:30 PM

By: Birgit Lang

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At the 90th birthday (from left): Gabi and Franz Hofstetter, daughter Rosmarie, son-in-law Bernd, daughter Renate, son Ade with wife Inge, son Erwin with daughter Rukiya and granddaughter Enissa as well as (front) Ade and Leni Dirschl. © Birgit Lang

Moosen - Ade Dirschl (90) from Moosen looks back on his childhood, his job as a postal worker, his extended family and his honorary positions, including the fire brigade.

Ade Dirschl is still one of the few Moosen originals. After all, he was a postman for 38 years – on foot, by bike and later by car in and around the village. And he is also a member of almost every local association, in many of which he was very active, such as the fire brigade. No wonder that on his 90th birthday, his home was like a dovecote. Everyone wanted to congratulate the jubilarian.

Postler Ade: That's how the older people of Moosen know him – with his bike and his fully packed mail bag. © private

As the 14th of 15 children, Ade Dirschl was born on 24 October 1933 in her parents' home in Moosen. His eldest brother had already been killed in the war. He attended the school, which was located in the house next door, for eight years. After that, like his older brother Ludwig, he trained as a tailor from his father and also worked a lot in his parents' farm.

For six years he worked as a tailor in Moosen, then he called it a day. "Zwoa Schneider nebaeinand duad koa guad ned," the man from Moosen justifies this. So in 1957 he applied for a job at the post office. At first he was only a holiday substitute, but in 1959 he took the entrance exam in Dorfen and then officially became a postman. "I went through the whole range in simple service and then worked as a postal operations assistant," he recalls. At first he was on foot, then by private bike, later by company bike and finally by VW, six days a week.

The nice thing about the work, he says, was that he was also deployed elsewhere. Four courses, i.e. routes, were part of his area of responsibility: Gear one was five kilometers and included Moosen with Hubenstein. Corridor two led from Geislbach to Wambach, across the wood to Bogensdorf and Granting and was 22 kilometres long. Gear three started in Hochstraß via Fürstbach, Kalling and Brügelsöd and was 18 kilometers long. Corridor four leads over twelve kilometres from Jettenstetten via Wanding and Obergrub to Hiendlhub. "Every day I was on the street with my satchel and backpack, on black ice with the Hacklstecka."

Extrapolated, he must have circumnavigated the whole world twice. The people were always happy when he came, there was already Schuxenkiache for free. The popular postman was also sometimes invited to smoked meat and dumplings at lunchtime, if he brought the mail at the right time. And at Christmas there were plenty of places.

Wedding 1958: Leni and Ade Dirschl marry at the Zuhr in Moosen with 120 guests. © private

"I knew everyone because I grew up there," he says, stressing: "The postman wasn't a village councillor." He often had up to 1000 marks in his luggage, because he still had to pay some of them their pensions in cash.


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He also had respect for one or the other dog, but that didn't always help. For example, an acquaintance's dog bit him in the butt while delivering mail just as he was about to get on his bike. Then he drove straight to the Moosen post office, and postmistress Martha Bachmayr just said: "You go to the doctor immediately and get vaccinated against tetanus." The doctor immediately wrote him unfit for duty, and Ade stayed at home for eight days. He never wrote down his overtime, otherwise he probably could have retired a few months earlier, "because during the business holidays they usually picked me up after one or two days."

The extended family with Ade's parents in the front and eleven siblings. He stands in front of the Mother. © private

In 1992, he suffered a severe heart attack. At the time, the company doctor had said to him: "Mr. Dirschl, you are here for the third time today. The first time was when she joined, the second time in 1965 because of a broken leg, and today, the third and last time, because I am now writing her unfit for duty." So it went into early retirement. Of course, he did not rest for a long time.

But it wasn't just his work that Ade loved, especially his Leni, née Magdalena Oberloher from Buchöd, who was at home with the farmer's blacksmith, as the house was called. "My great love to this day," he enthuses. The two met in 1956 at the Theobald market in Neufraunhofen. While dancing, they became closer. "Scorching and knowing," he says, grinning. "It clicked right away," she says with a laugh. At that time, Leni was a "very good one". Only once did the two "sit out for a short time", but then they got back together. And when they had come to an agreement, she said good-bye to her future father-in-law and told him: "In four weeks we will marry, whether it is right or not." He was fine with it, as he had already guessed it, "because his wives were always shopping in Neufraunhofen," says Leni Dirschl with a smile.

On June 3, 1958, the wedding was celebrated with 120 guests at the Zuhr in Moosen. The bride was kidnapped to the neighbor's house, to the Schuster Café – an insurance office has long since moved in. The Föckersberg Pauluszell musicians played and did not stop when the lights went out due to a thunderstorm and the landlady came along with candles.

Christmas 1976 was celebrated with Grandma Anastasia, Renate, Rosmarie, Ade, Reinhold, Leni and Ade Dirschl. © private

Between Ade and Leni it was not only the great love, but also a relationship blessed by children. Erwin was born in 1959, Renate in 1963, Ade junior in 1965, Rosmarie in 1969 and finally Nesthäkchen Reinhold in 1974. In the same year, a house was also built, "because it had become too cramped in the old building," says the 90-year-old.

There was no time for holidays because of all the work – the Dirschls also had farming. Maybe a bike trip to Buchöd with the children, one sitting in the back and the other in the front of the basket. "We only went on day trips, for example to Passau, Ruhpolding or Weltenburg. When things got later, Dad's colleague, 'Zwigge' Richard, sometimes took over the stable work," recalls daughter Rosmarie Dirschl. In general, people stuck together in the neighborhood. When it came to grass and maize siling, her father "always helped with the fisherman Heini and also with the Berger – or with the Kaibe-Ziang".

But he always had time for volunteering. This was a matter close to his heart. He already played football as a boy, and that was to remain the case until his last AH game, when he "zamgrumpelt" with an "Eittinger" and "got rid of the Hax". That was exactly when his wife had their third baby in 1965. So he was able to lie down with her in the room with his leg in a cast. His first sports fields were in Osen and Moos, later he also joined SC Moosen. But after his broken leg, his football career was over forever. He didn't watch a single game anymore.

In 1964, the Moosen firefighters were still deployed with the old Dodge, here the beaming Ade sits on the passenger seat. © private

For 40 years, the 90-year-old was active in the Moosen fire brigade and has held all the posts there, from equipment manager to secretary and treasurer to chairman. But not only that, "I mended every torn firefighter's pants. And we still had steel helmets until the new suits came with helmets with neck protection." He can well remember his first missions, when they still went out with the Dodge from US stocks and the hand sprayer, later with the motor sprayer. His comrades appreciated him for his direct but honest manner.

He is also a member of the shooting club, warrior and comradeship club, horticultural club, men's club, neighbourhood help and traffic patrol Taufkirchen. And at a young age he acted in theatre as a member of the boys' club. For a swank or a joke, the Ade was always glad. For example, he and his friends once arranged a bike tour from Moosen to Maiselsberg and back. It was won by Egon Schöttner, "who was a spangler and had used a special gear". Second place went to the well-trained postman Ade.

Not only his Leni still raves about her husband, but also his children about their father: "He was a great dad. We had a beautiful childhood and all the freedoms." The father was strict, says son Ade Dirschl, "but you could always convince him." And his two daughters declare in unison: "We would have married him right away."

Rosmarie Dirschl adds: "If you asked Dad, he always helped. We never had to beg for long. There's no such thing as impossible. There's always a solution for him." Six grandchildren and one great-grandchild now enlarge the family. They also love their grandpa.

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