The Limited Times

Stock Exchange: Milan cautiously up (+0.19%) with Europe, down Tim - Last hour

12/13/2023, 12:28:34 PM

Highlights: Stock Exchange: Milan cautiously up (+0.19%) with Europe, down Tim. In the main basket, the worst is Tim (-2.3%) on the eve of the board meeting. At the top of the list was Erg (+2.44%) with Amplifon (+1.83%), which made an acquisition in Uruguay, and Leonardo (+1%).Meanwhile, the BTP-Bund spread moved little at 176.2 points with the yield on the ten-year bond at 3.94% after Treasury auctions.

The Milan Stock Exchange continues to rise (+0.19%), albeit cautiously in line with the other European stock exchanges that are waiting for a confirmation of rates by the Fed. (ANSA)

The Milan Stock Exchange continues to rise (+0.19%), albeit cautiously in line with the other European stock exchanges that are awaiting a confirmation of rates by the Fed. In the main basket, the worst is Tim (-2.3%) on the eve of the board meeting, followed by Banco Bpm (-1.45%) in the aftermath of gains in the wake of the new plan, Iveco -1.7% and Nexi -0.6
At the top of the list was Erg (+2.44%) with Amplifon (+1.83%), which made an acquisition in Uruguay, and Leonardo (+1%).
Meanwhile, the BTP-Bund spread moved little at 176.2 points with the yield on the ten-year bond at 3.94% after Treasury auctions that saw yields on other durations fall.

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