The Limited Times

The disaster of the yeshiva in Yeruham: Seven of its students fell in battle in the Gaza Strip - voila! news

12/14/2023, 6:20:42 AM

Highlights: Seven former students of the yeshiva in Yeruham have fallen in the Gaza Strip. Sergeant Major (res.) Elisha Levinstern, 38, from Harish, volunteered in the 8104th Armored Battalion and fell in battle yesterday. "Your light still shines and still shines in all its simplicity and wonder within us," the settlement meeting eulogized him. "We promise to continue to enhance the candles of your smiling fear of heaven, your beloved erudition, your simple and warming enlightenment, and to always raise them on the tablet of our hearts," it added.

When the IDF announced the death of 38-year-old Elisha Levinstern, the settlement meeting eulogized him: "Your light still shines and still shines in all its simplicity and wonder within us." Since the beginning of the war, Yedidya Asher, Yakir Shinkolevsky, Eitan Fish, Ariel Eliyahu, Yinon Fleischmann and Eitan Rosenzweig, who also studied at the Mossad, fell

Documentation from the scene of clashes by Battalion 55 fighters at a school in Khan Yunis/IDF Spokesperson's Office

At Yeruham's settlement meeting, they eulogized Sergeant Major (res.) Elisha Levinstern, who fell in the south fighting in the southern Gaza Strip. "The seventh candle has been taken from us," they wrote in the meeting's announcement. "Dear Rabbi Elisha, your light still shines and still shines in all its simplicity and wonder within us." So far, seven former students have fallen at the yeshiva: Yedidya Asher, Yakir Shinkolevsky, Eitan Fish, Ariel Eliyahu, Yinon Fleischmann and Eitan Rosenzweig.

For all updates on the war

this morning, the IDF allowed the publication that Levinstern, 38, from Harish, volunteered in the 8104th Armored Battalion and fell in battle yesterday. "The brilliant light of dear Rabbi Elisha has been silenced. Rabbi Elisha, a student of the eleventh cohort, was always a real yeshiva student, even if he spent most of his time outside the walls of the beit midrash," the yeshiva added. "We still remember how, devoutly, year after year, Elisha came to prayers with his entire wonderful family."

Elisha Levinstern/IDF Spokesperson

Yedidya Asher/IDF Spokesperson

Yakir Shinkolevsky/IDF Spokesperson

Eitan Fish/IDF Spokesperson

Corporal Ariel Eliyahu, from Mitzpe Jericho, a soldier in the 77th Battalion, 19 years old when he fell./IDF Spokesperson

Yinon Fleischman / Documentation in social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law

Eitan Rosenzweig/IDF Spokesperson

The yeshiva obituary continued: "We promise to continue to enhance the candles of your smiling fear of heaven, your beloved erudition, your simple and warming enlightenment, and to always raise them on the tablet of our hearts, in holy words in the beit midrash and throughout this world."

  • More on the subject:
  • Yeruham
  • Gaza War
  • Iron Sword War

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