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Publication permitted: One officer and three combatants seriously wounded | Israel Hayom

12/17/2023, 5:40:08 AM

Highlights: One officer and three reserve fighters seriously wounded in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. 43 fighters are in serious condition. Two reservists, Staff Sgt. Shalev Salzman and Sgt. Yossi Doran, were also wounded in the battle. 121 fighters have fallen since the start of the maneuver on October 27, according to IDF figures. The number of wounded is expected to rise as more fighters are injured in the coming days, the IDF says. The wounded include two reservists and two soldiers from the Israeli army.

Res. soldiers from Battalion 6623 were wounded in battle in the southern Gaza Strip • Two reservists, Staff Sgt. Yosef Avner Doran and Sergeant Shalev Salzman, fell in battle in the Gaza Strip • 43 fighters hospitalized in serious condition

The IDF confirmed to the publication Sunday morning that an officer and three reserve fighters in Battalion 6623, the 55th Spearhead Formation, were seriously wounded yesterday in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. It was also permitted for publication that two reservists, Staff Sgt. Yosef Avner Doran and Sergeant Shalev Salzman, fell in battle in the Gaza Strip.

Documentation of IDF forces' activity during the past 24 hours in the Gaza Strip \\ IDF Spokesperson

Prior to IDF figures, 121 had fallen since the start of the maneuver on October 27. Forty-three fighters are hospitalized in serious condition. In the maneuver, 43 fighters were seriously wounded in the Gaza Strip.

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