The Limited Times

Immigration Act: the story of a supercharged morning in the Assembly

12/19/2023, 12:21:13 PM

Highlights: Immigration Act: the story of a supercharged morning in the Assembly. The opportunity to discuss the final adjustments to the agreement currently being discussed. According to information from Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France, the government and the Republicans have (finally) agreed on the issue of APL. If all goes well, there will be a text voted on at the end of the day. However, the deputies of the majority were very upset in the group meeting, judging that the bill now leans too far to the right.

On Tuesday morning, group meetings were held in the Assembly. The opportunity to discuss the final adjustments to the agreement currently being discussed

After a failure of the Joint Committee (CMP) on Monday evening, Élisabeth Borne came to a group meeting on Tuesday morning to present the bases of the agreement reached in extremis a few hours earlier with LR by telephone. According to information from Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France, the government and the Republicans have (finally) agreed on the issue of APL, the last blocking point: foreigners in a legal situation who do not work would have to wait five years before being able to receive them. Those who work could receive APL after a three-month waiting period. On the other hand, for the Family Housing Allowance (ALF) and the Social Housing Allowance (ALS), foreigners in a legal situation who are working will have to wait thirty months.

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If all goes well, there will be a text voted on at the end of the day... However, the deputies of the majority were very upset in the group meeting, judging that the bill now leans too far to the right. Didn't the Prime Minister herself declare, on Monday evening, to the president of the LR group, Olivier Marleix: "This text is no longer at all the axis of balance of the majority"?

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