The Limited Times

Opinion | Between the Deir Yassin Massacre and the Gaza Envelope Massacre | Israel Hayom

12/20/2023, 7:53:20 AM

Highlights: The descriptions of the atrocities from Deir Yassin were the result of false Palestinian and Arab propaganda at the time and in the years that followed. All these things happened, one by one, in the Hamas attack on Simchat Torah. The number of Palestinian fatalities in the time that has passed since the attack has already exceeded that of 1948. In the Nakba of 1948, some 13,700 Palestinians were killed during a year of war and some 2.0 million displaced. But Palestinian false propaganda came at a heavy price.

The descriptions of the atrocities from Deir Yassin were the result of false Palestinian and Arab propaganda at the time and in the years that followed, but they all occurred in the Hamas offensive on Simchat Torah

"The height of cruelty was when certain Jewish terrorists gambled on the sex of babies unborn to their pregnant mothers. The contents of the unfortunate women's stomachs were brutally emptied alive, and their uteruses were pulled out and examined, in search of proof that would determine the winner." This is how Arab propaganda described the actions of Irgun and Lehi fighters in Deir Yassin in 1948, a description that was adopted without reservations not many years ago by the senior Muslim jurisprudent, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. "They killed them and mutilated them, drove their stomachs, amputated arms, legs and breasts, pierced eyes, chopped noses and crushed skulls," the propaganda continued. "Use axes to chop off hands and feet. They raped girls in front of their families. Show naked women in a victory parade and take pictures of them. Throw live children into the oven. Take the heads of Palestinians off them." None of these things really happened, and they were all the result of Palestinian and Arab false propaganda at the time and in the years that followed. All these things happened, one by one, in the Hamas attack on Simchat Torah.

Recently, the Palestinians have published a picture of a Palestinian father, supposedly from Deir Yassin, holding his lifeless daughter, as proof that Jewish cruelty against Palestinians began as early as 1948 in Deir Yassin. This is not the first time Palestinians have used fake images. Although it may be the father who regrets the death of his daughter, there is no chance that the photo was taken in Deir Yassin. After the battle, Jewish photographers in Deir Yassin photographed the Jewish fighters or the corpses of Arabs. Within an hour and a half after the battle ended, the captured Arab survivors had already been taken to East Jerusalem (and not in a "victory parade," as I already proved in my book Deir Yassin: The End of the Myth). There were rumors about two Arab photographers who supposedly came to Deir Yassin. A Haganah document mentions such a rumor about photographer Ali Zaarour, as is also claimed in the album in memory of photographer Hanna Safiya. There was no reasonable chance that Arab photographers would come to Deir Yassin to photograph, while the Irgun and Lehi were still there, when, in the understanding of the Arab fighters, the Jews killed every Arab who fell into their hands. An hour and a half after the end of the battle, the captured survivors (but not the dead) had already been evacuated to East Jerusalem.

Shortly after the Battle of Deir Yassin, the Arab Higher Committee of the Arabs of Palestine published photos of allegedly mutilated bodies from the "massacre." The Haganah Intelligence Service identified the bodies as Jewish victims, whose bodies had been mutilated by Arabs. Since then, pictures of the so-called "massacre" have repeatedly appeared, which have been widely circulated on the Internet. For example, there is a picture of corpses wrapped in plastic bags, a product that did not even exist in 1948, and whose surroundings bear no resemblance to the outline of Deir Yassin. Some of them are images from the massacre of their Palestinian brethren in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982, which were annexed in favor of the Palestinian narrative of the Deir Yassin events. But Palestinian propaganda apparently reached its peak when it published a photo of a mass grave, supposedly Palestinian, in Deir Yassin, which was soon identified as a killing ground for Jews in the Nazi Nordhausen death camp. The identifying marks of the camp were, of course, cut from the picture.

There was no reasonable chance that Arab photographers would come to Deir Yassin to take pictures, while the Irgun and Lehi were still there, when, in the understanding of the Arab fighters, the Jews killed every Arab who fell into their hands

But Palestinian false propaganda came at a heavy price in 1948. As evidenced by surveys conducted in the Palestinian Authority in the 90s among survivors of the Nakba, the belief of the Palestinians in 1948 in the alleged "massacre" that took place in Deir Yassin was a central factor in their decision to flee and the collapse of the Palestinian "stand" (tsumud) throughout the Land of Israel, and not just near the village. It seems that the Palestinians insist on persisting in destroying their future. In the Nakba of 1948, some 13,700 Palestinians were killed during a year of war and some 2,0 were displaced. The number of Palestinian fatalities in the time that has passed since the Hamas attack on Simchat Torah has apparently already exceeded that number, and the number of displaced persons has already exceeded one million. Nakba <>.<>.

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