The Limited Times

Josu Ternera with Évole: "Period"

12/23/2023, 4:24:12 AM

Highlights: Josu Ternera is ominously well-known, although he asks his interviewer not to call himTernera. He's a criminal with an ideological alibi, his oppressed homeland, those dangerous little things. What frightens me the most in his speech is when he uses the term " period" three times to conclude dialogues. The categorical "period" settling any problem was used a lot by the priests of my childhood and adolescence. It is something that is often abused by power.

I would like to know how that interview was arranged. The great mystery is the killer's reasons for exposing himself in public. Évole's are clear. I had a gold mine in front of me

His gesture is stony, his gaze is hard and defiant, he never smiles, his tone of voice does not change. Josu Ternera is ominously well-known, although he asks his interviewer not to call him Ternera. I suspect that it will never be known exactly how many people were killed, although he confesses to his unknown involvement in some crimes and massacres. And it's scary how coldly he uses language. It turns out that killing people is called actions. Sending the repentant Yoyes, whom I had visited in Mexico months before, to nothingness was a measure approved by the leadership of ETA. And I seem to understand his clarification that in the terrorist group there was a military section, a political section, a workers' section and a cultural section. The latter sounds like a Dadaist manifesto. Poor culture, which mania for making macabre jokes with it.

But what frightens me the most in his speech is when he uses the term "period" three times to conclude dialogues. The categorical "period" settling any problem was used a lot by the priests of my childhood and adolescence. So did my father. Usually accompanied by a hand of hosts and cruel punishments. It is something that is often abused by power. That is, because I say so, because I want to, because I can. "Period."

The interviewee repels. He's a criminal with an ideological alibi, his oppressed homeland, those dangerous little things. And you have to see the desolate face of one of his victims after listening to his testimony. And that ETA warned that there was a bomb in Hipercor. And that he drags a backpack of pain. What I would like to know is how that interview was arranged, what could and could not be said for legal purposes. The great mystery is the killer's reasons for exposing himself in public. Évole's are clear. I had a gold mine in front of me.

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