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Tips for a harmonious Christmas: Time together counts

12/23/2023, 6:12:22 AM

Highlights: Tips for a harmonious Christmas: Time together counts. Family counsellor Kristina Bohl has advice for adults and children. Taunts or derogatory remarks should not even be discussed. A nice Christmas gift would be games for the whole family. You can read the latest news from Icking here. Sign up for the Our Wolfrats-Geretsiedlung newsletter to be informed about all the important stories from your region. For confidential support call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here for details.

Last updated: 23.12.2023, 07:00 a.m.

By: Doris Schmid

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Christmas Eve with your loved ones: The expectations of the festive day are high, they cannot always be fulfilled. Instead of harmony, there are tensions in some families. © Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Christmas should be a nice celebration for the whole family. Family counsellor Kristina Bohl has advice for adults and children.

Icking – The closer Christmas gets, the faster the days and hours go by. At least for adults. There are still a lot of things you want to do before December 24 so that you can go into the holidays relaxed - and you are stressed. Sometimes all it takes is one wrong word to change the mood. Our newspaper talked to Kristina Bohl from Dorfen about how Christmas can be made as harmonious as possible. The expert's most important tip: lower your standards and perfectionism.

Kristina Bohl The kindergarten teacher from Dorfen advises more serenity during the holidays. © Private

To ensure that Christmas is a nice celebration for the whole family, the family counsellor advises asking the offspring how they should spend the time together and also accepting the children's ideas. "They often have a very clear idea," says Bohl. "Then you should assign tasks," recommends the 34-year-old, who runs a daycare center in Schäftlarn. To make sure the table decoration is up, children could make stars, for example. Most of the time, before the festival of love, there is a big cleaning. Bohl recommends excluding the children's room. "This is their realm." No visitor would be bothered by this if there is no tidying up.

Watching a favorite movie together

The waiting time until the presents on Christmas Eve is difficult for many children to bear. The parents are usually still busy with preparations. "Before you park the children in front of the TV, it would be much nicer to watch a favorite movie together," says the family counselor.

The kindergarten teacher also advises more serenity when eating. If you don't want to spend hours in the kitchen preparing, you should be prepared to get involved in something new. "Actually, it doesn't really matter whether it's a five-course menu or sausages with cabbage," says the mother of a two-year-old daughter. First and foremost is the community.

Discussions at the table can also be postponed

When talking at the holiday table, you should have the courage to postpone discussions and instead talk about "something funny". This wish should also be expressed. Taunts or derogatory remarks should not even be discussed. "It's important to be able to leave the other person's issues with them," advises Bohl. "What bothers them about me usually bothers them about themselves." This can be met with a smile and an inner smile.

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After the presents, the adults sit at the table and talk, the children play on the floor – a situation that often occurs. "But you could also sit together on the carpeted floor and play fun games," says the Dorfen native. A nice Christmas gift would be games for the whole family.

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Just scream out loud

If the atmosphere heats up too much during the holidays, the kindergarten teacher advises to use the "resources of nature". "Just go out and shake it all off," says Bohl. "And everyone is allowed to shout loudly. This is also good for adults. Then it's better."


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