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Is the dog afraid of thunder? Here's how to make it easier | Israel Hayom

12/24/2023, 10:11:33 AM

Highlights: No one knows exactly what causes thunder anxiety, although it seems to have a genetic basis. The most obvious signs of this anxiety are voicing worried sobs when thunder sounds. It is important to know that this phenomenon should not be ignored as it can worsen and endanger the dog. There is behavioral therapy for thunder anxiety that can succeed with perseverance and patience, but it is not guaranteed to succeed. Sometimes the most correct solution is the administration of anti-anxiety drugs such as diazepam (Valium)

Even man's best friend may be afraid of thunder, and of course we want to help him deal with those fears • Why is this happening to him, what should be done during a panic attack and how can we help our dog cope with the fear?

Anyone who has a dog suffering from thunder anxiety knows it well. While it is not difficult to diagnose a dog suffering from the condition, no one knows exactly what causes it, although it seems to have a genetic basis. At the same time, a connection to the dog's history was also identified, since it was found that dogs that were in kennels in their youth are at risk for the phenomenon.

According to Dr. David Rosenblatt, a veterinarian at Bioft, the most obvious signs of this anxiety are voicing worried sobs when thunder sounds, as well as restless wandering. There may also be extreme behavior of tearing furniture, breaking doors and running away, as happens when dogs are scared while hearing fireworks, gunshots and other loud noises.

A frightened dog hides under the bed (illustration), Photo: Getty Images

So what should you do and what shouldn't you do while your dog is having a panic attack? According to Dr. Rosenblatt, it is first important to understand that it is very difficult to "cure" the situation and that it is better to learn to live with it. It is important to know that this phenomenon should not be ignored as it can worsen and endanger the dog.

It is also important not to encourage the panicked behavior by trying to calm down and indulge excessively during the attack, as this may reinforce the anxious behavior. Many dog owners find it difficult to follow this advice because the dog is in obvious distress, and naturally we feel like showering him with love. Continue to behave around the dog as usual during the attack and create a "business as usual" atmosphere. Also, it is absolutely forbidden to punish him during the abnormal behavior and it is forbidden to be angry with him. Not only is it pointless, it can make things worse.

Don't overdo the indulgences or attempts at sedation (illustration), photo: PR

There are many ways to cope

If you want to relieve your dog during a thunderstorm, Dr. Rosenblatt recommends a few things that can help you: 1. Don't leave an anxious dog outside during a thunderstorm, 2. Give your dog an enclosed and important place to hide during the couch, such as a padded flying cage or blanket to put under the bed, 3. Close the curtains during a lightning storm, For the flashes of lightning and the movements of the leaves will further stress the anxious dog, 4. During the storm, turn up the radio or TV to mask the thunder noise.

Of course, there are other ways to treat this phenomenon. There is behavioral therapy for thunder anxiety that can succeed with perseverance and patience. However, success is not guaranteed, and it is worth doing it under the guidance of a qualified trainer or behaviorist. The principle is to associate the sounds of thunder and explosions with good things so that when there is a real storm, the dog will be in a "positive" mood and not anxious. Recordings of increasingly loud thundering sounds are played to the dog while stimulating the dog particularly likes, such as tasty food or a nice game. During treatment, the intensity of the scary noise is increased and the dog continues to give positive reinforcement, until a connection is made in his brain between the scary noise and a positive feeling – and the anxiety passes.

It's okay to be afraid, but know how to treat anxiety (illustration), photo: Liran Ohali

However, sometimes the most correct solution is the administration of anti-anxiety drugs such as diazepam (Valium) and its derivatives, treatments that are considered very effective. There are also natural preparations with varying levels of effectiveness. In any case, never give your dog any medicine, not even a natural preparation, without consulting a veterinarian.

But that's not all: there are reports of a variety of other treatments for coping with the phenomenon, including wrapping the dog in a special garment that creates a feeling of embrace, using a spray or collar containing a soothing pheromone (hormone), acupuncture and more.

Pay attention to the dog during a panic attack, as it may run away and get lost. When a dog is anxious, they lose their orientation and have trouble returning home. Make sure your dog is microchipped, which is already required by law, and that they have a tag on their collar with your phone number.

Dr. David Rosenblatt // Photo: Courtesy of Bioft

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