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"He loved chocolate balls": the moving tribute to commemorate Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg z"l | Israel Hayom

12/26/2023, 7:32:47 AM

Highlights: "He loved chocolate balls": the moving tribute to commemorate Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg z"l | Israel Hayom. Food blogger Inbal Lavi yesterday shared a sweet baking tribute in memory of the revered commander of Battalion 13 from Golani, who fell fighting in Sejaiya. "Tomer's friends in the division asked to invite you to make chocolate balls to commemorate his memory," she explained on a picture of countless green balls designed in the shape of an olive tree.

Food blogger Inbal Lavi yesterday shared a sweet baking tribute in memory of the revered commander of Battalion 13 from Golani, who fell fighting in Sejaiya • "Tomer's friends in the division asked to invite you to make chocolate balls to commemorate his memory," she explained on a picture of countless green balls designed in the shape of an olive tree - the unit's symbol

The heroic stories of those killed in the current round of fighting are endlessly painful time and time again. Among the fallen, there are those who are privileged to be commemorated in moving ways even by those who did not even know them, but whose heart breaks when they fall.

Inbal Lavi, the successful baking blogger known as the "Cookie Fairy", shared yesterday (Monday) with her 110,13 Instagram followers a moving and sweet baking tribute in memory of Golani's admired and beloved commander of the <>th Battalion, Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg, who fell fighting in the fierce battle in Sejaiya. "Tomer's friends in the division asked to invite you to make chocolate balls to commemorate his memory," she explained, inviting users to make the chocolate balls in his memory and tag them with hashtags: #תומר_הכי_אהב_כדורישוקולד and #פרויקט_הנצחה_תומר_גרינברג.

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Shared post by Inbal Lavie (@the_cookie_fairy )

"Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg, commander of Golani's 13th Battalion, loved chocolate balls," Lavi told her followers in a post against the background of a series of pictures of chocolate balls with a picture of Tomer. The balls were decorated with green candies and shaped like an olive tree, the symbol of the Golani unit.

"He was an inspiring and motivated commander, a professional of the highest order, who treated his military duties with reverence and did everything for the country. In the field, he was a true father figure to all his soldiers, but at home he returned to being the chocolate-loving boy, who blooms at the sight of a box of candy," she added, sharing about Tomer's affection for sweets.

Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg, Photo: Oren Cohen

"His last encounter with Tzlil, a soulmate from the division, was just before he entered Gaza, when he received from her hands a huge box full of chocolate balls, and at that moment he was not happy with him. He beamed with real and moving joy and for a moment the child came out of him again," she wrote, adding that "Tomer Greenberg fell in the fierce battle in Sejaiya while fighting for the lives of his fighters. He was 35. We will not forget you, Tomer. May his memory be blessed."
As mentioned, at the end of the post, Lavi invited users to make chocolate balls themselves to commemorate him.

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