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2024 is upon us: What does it bring us? | Israel Hayom

12/26/2023, 9:43:03 AM

Highlights: 2024 is upon us: What does it bring us? | Israel Hayom. Manned flight launch around the moon. One beer to be inaugurated in place of the rapidly sinking volume. A record number of countries will hold elections, with the race for the White House affecting the entire world. The war in Ukraine will continue, and one can only hope that no new wars break out • 2024 is around the corner - it's time to take a peek at it. The year will always be flawed because the unexpected can never be predicted.

Paris Olympics and Euros in football • Manned flight launch around the moon • One beer to be inaugurated in place of the rapidly sinking volume • A record number of countries will hold elections, with the race for the White House affecting the entire world • The war in Ukraine will continue, and one can only hope that no new wars break out • 2024 is around the corner - it's time to take a peek at it

First and foremost, America chooses

Another term for Joe Biden — or Donald Trump's return to the White House? On Nov. 5, American voters will go to elect the 47th president, and given the growing division in the country, it looks like it will be one of the most important elections in decades.

Four more years? President Biden, Photo: AP

So far, four indictments have not affected Trump's campaign, which continues to lead his main rivals, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, by tens of percentage points. Republican primaries begin in mid-January, and the hottest issues for GOP supporters are immigration at the southern border and economic recovery. On the Democratic side, incumbent President Biden is expected to run for a second term alongside Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden's age, which is expected to turn 82 in November, worries many in the camp, but support for him is strong due to fears of Trump's return to the White House.

On the way to a comeback? Former President Trump,

The war in Israel has reshaped the campaigns of the candidates. On the Republican side, the contenders are fighting over who will represent a more hawkish line against Hamas, and on the Democratic side, Biden has sided with Israel with extensive military aid, despite progressive voices in his party. • Dor Malul, USA

Returning to fetch stones from the moon

One of the biggest technological peaks expected in 2024 is NASA's manned lunar mission, Artemis 2, scheduled to launch in November. It is planned that a crew of three NASA astronauts and one from the Canadian Space Agency will orbit the moon for the first time in 50 years.

Back to the Moon,

The flight of the Orion spacecraft is expected to last 10-8 days, and its goal is actually a final test and preparation for the greatest mission of all: the return of humans to the moon as part of the Artemis 3 mission in 2025 • Daniella Ginzburg

The capital moves to a new address

At least 13 countries have changed their capital since World War II. The reasons for this were a desire to alleviate overcrowding in the largest volume, improved accessibility, development of the target area, a more protected location, nation-building, and often several factors combined.

Tragic sunset in Indonesia,

This year, Indonesia will join the replacement club, and there is also talk of moving the capital to the geographical center, but the main reason is unusual as well as tragic: the current capital Jakarta on the island of Java is the fastest sinking city in the world. The main reason is not the rise in the ocean level, but the lack of planning, which led to the digging of wells to supply drinking water, which caused the soil above the aquifer to sink.

The trend has been exacerbated by construction overload and seasonal floods, and it is estimated that by 2050 a third of the huge city will be underwater. The new capital, Nusantara, will be inaugurated in August on the island of Borneo, which is also better protected from earthquakes than Java. Completion of the city is not expected until 2045. It is reasonable to assume that the move will serve as a model for other cities around the world that are facing the danger of sinking • David Baron

Salt - not only in salad

The world of electric vehicles is facing a significant technological change - using salt. The familiar batteries currently used in electric cars, based on the use of lithium and cobalt, may be replaced by batteries with less polluting components.

From cheeks to cars?, Photo: Getty-Images

Various manufacturers have already begun experimenting with sodium-based batteries, promising improved range, faster charging, and even ethical and environmental benefits (cobalt mining employs minors in Central Africa, while lithium production pollutes the planet). Using sodium – one of the two components of cooking salt – is cleaner and more readily available, and is expected to contribute to lower electric vehicle prices• Ariel Alsiboni, "Overdrive"

Turn right?

European Parliament,

European Parliament elections will be held in June, and judging by the results of several national elections (Italy, Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands) and electoral trends (in Germany, France, Portugal and Austria), the right-leaning forces on the universal political map are expected to be strengthened, which require a tougher hand on immigration• David Baron

Who ordered a black swan?

Trying to draw lines for the impending year will always be flawed because the unexpected events can never be predicted – "black swans," as the Lebanese-American philosopher Nassim Nicholas Taleb called surprising events that have a huge impact.

Everything unexpected - 'Black Swan', photo: Getty-Images

In 2020 it was the COVID-2022 pandemic, in <> it was the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and it is not inconceivable that we can expect global surprises this year as well. So we decided to leave room for the uncertainty factor. What's your bet?

Event Log

May - Eurovision Song Contest (Sweden) -

The Israeli representative has not yet been elected, and countries are threatening to withdraw their candidacy if Israel participates. Eurovision (archive),

The city of Malmö will host the big show. Israel's representative has not yet been determined

June-July - Euro 2024 in football (Germany) -

Fans are getting ready,

24 teams will participate in the tournament. The Italian national team will try to defend the title

July-August - 2024 Olympics (Paris) -

Olympics in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower,

The French capital will host the Olympics for the third time, equalling London

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