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IDF Chief-of-Staff: "Commanders made very difficult decisions on October 7 - we will investigate when the situation permits" | Israel Hayom

12/26/2023, 4:12:19 PM

Highlights: IDF Chief-of-Staff: "Commanders made very difficult decisions on October 7 - we will investigate when the situation permits" "The war will continue for many more months and we will use different methods, so that the achievement will be maintained over time," the chief of staff added. "I just left the Gaza Strip, I met the fighters in the northern Gaza Strip. I was closely impressed by the way the forces fight, act and achieve the goals we set for them," he said.

"The war will continue for many more months and we will use different methods, so that the achievement will be maintained over time," the chief of staff added

On the 81st day of the war, the IDF chief of staff reiterated Tuesday evening that "the war will continue for many more months" and that the IDF will "use various methods" so that "the achievement will be maintained over time." In addition, the Chief of Staff refers to the issue of the "arms economy" that was recently discussed, as well as the criticism leveled at the conduct of officers during the war and the events of Black Saturday.

"I just left the Gaza Strip, I met the fighters in the northern Gaza Strip. I was closely impressed by the way the forces fight, act and achieve the goals we set for them. The IDF is close to completing the dismantling of the Hamas brigades in the northern Gaza Strip," the chief of staff said, adding that "we will not allow a return to the security reality before October 7, and we will not allow such an incident to happen again."

Later in his remarks, the Chief of Staff addressed the question of the stockpile of munitions that recently made headlines and the claim that the IDF has reduced the scope of aerial bombardment in the Gaza Strip, partly due to American pressure." A building falls when it is an enemy target, a building falls when it poses a danger to our forces," Herzi said, adding that "in every operation where our forces require fire support, they receive the necessary envelope at its best."

"We make professional, intelligent and calculated use of the resources at our disposal," Hertzi said, alluding to the "arms economy," adding that "this war has necessary and not easy to achieve goals, it takes place in complex terrain." Hertzi reiterated that "the war will continue for many more months and we will use different methods – so that the achievement will be maintained over time. There are no magic solutions, no shortcuts in the thorough dismantling of a terrorist organization, but persistent and determined fighting. And we're very, very determined."

"We will also reach the Hamas leadership, whether it takes a week or months. Thanks to the spirit, thanks to professionalism we will arrive. We are constantly learning and changing the way we fight, adapting the method of combat to each area of the fighting, to the terrain, to the enemy and to our forces.

"Our forces are being refreshed according to the assessment of the situation, including the reserve forces – we will take care of them, the reservists, and appreciate their work and the support of their families, families who are full partners in this fighting effort.

"We are increasing the military pressure, in various ways, with force and subterfuge. This pressure enables the realization of the goals of the war – the dismantling of Hamas and the return of the hostages. Our commitment to the return of the abductees remains the same – we will do everything to bring the abductees home. In this war we are fighting an extremely just war, and as in a war, it has a heavy and painful price. One of our best sons and daughters fell in the battle for the security of the state. We will ensure that their fall was not in vain.

"Alongside the fighting against Hamas, IDF forces continue to work night and day to thwart and eradicate terrorism in Judea and Samaria, and are doing so with great success. These fighters are led by the commander of the Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fuchs, with great skill, while really dedicating his life to the safety of the residents. Any persecution or defamation of him is grave and must be condemned clearly and from every direction.

"The many days that have passed since October 7 raise many difficult questions – all of which we are obligated to provide, and we will provide answers after a thorough investigation. We will not skip any questions and no lessons. We will investigate in a poignant and thorough manner at the first possible opportunity, and publish the findings to the public with the appropriate transparency.

"But I want to say a few things as someone who served most of his years as a combat commander: The battlefield presents us with complex situations, and this time even more complex. In these situations, we have to make difficult decisions, when we are responsible for them, both in successes and failures. This is the way we, who wear the uniform, have chosen to take responsibility and dedicate our lives to the security of the state.

"Many commanders made very difficult decisions on October 7th, and I appreciate them all first of all for facing this challenge and risking lives and endless willingness. The decisions of the commanders, as well as my own, will be thoroughly investigated and studied, when the operational situation permits.

Each of these commanders is now risking his life in combat. It is inappropriate to lash out at them and judge them, when the artillery is still firing and they are leading forces inside the Gaza Strip in the fighting. We will continue to fight and we will continue to learn."

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