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Information on war wounded is blocked to local authorities; Fear: Their treatment will be compromised | Israel Hayom

12/26/2023, 6:42:02 AM

Highlights: Information on war wounded is blocked to local authorities; Fear: Their treatment will be compromised. Binyamin Council Chairman Israel Gantz appealed to the Defense Ministry and the Health Ministry to solve the problem: "Access to this information is critical" The Defense Ministry accepted the council's position and agreed to return the updated list, but the Ministry of Health is delaying final approval. The Iron Sword War has taken a heavy toll on the wounded, with more than 2,000 fighters injured in battles in the Gaza Strip and on the northern border.

Binyamin Council Chairman Israel Gantz appealed to the Defense Ministry and the Health Ministry to solve the problem: "Access to this information is critical" • The Defense Ministry accepted the council's position and agreed to return the updated list, but the Health Ministry is delaying final approval

The Ministry of Health has blocked local and regional authorities from viewing details of regular and reserve soldiers wounded in combat and living in their areas, which makes it very challenging for the competent authorities to deal with them in real time.

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Prior to the war, the authorities were able to access the Health Ministry's control panel and extract details about wounded combatants, thus assisting them in real time, whether through local emergency teams or other means. This is a system that allows each authority to know which residents are hospitalized for any reason.

The Iron Sword War has also taken a heavy toll on the wounded, with more than 2,000 fighters injured in battles in the Gaza Strip and on the northern border.

A few weeks after the outbreak of the war, the authorities were surprised to discover that the system does not enter the data of the wounded, which prevents them from assisting the families and providing them with the proper support envelope.

This means that precisely in real time, when the resident or his family is in distress, the authority is not updated and does not receive the necessary information to help people in their difficult time.

Evacuation of wounded in Safed, photo: Eyal Margolin, Ginny

Prime Minister Israel Gantz appealed to the Defense Ministry and the Health Ministry to solve the problem. "Access to this information is critical," he told Israel Hayom.

The Ministry of Defense accepted the council's position and agreed to return the updated list, but the Ministry of Health is delaying final approval.

The Health Ministry said in response: "We are working together with the Ministry of Defense to remove the restrictions on the transfer of information, while maintaining the privacy of the wounded and medical confidentiality."

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