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Weapons under children's blankets and yellow license plates: This is what was found during a raid in northern Gaza | Israel Hayom

12/26/2023, 11:45:01 AM

Highlights: Weapons under children's blankets and yellow license plates: This is what was found during a raid in northern Gaza. The 931st Battalion's combat team operated in recent days in the northern Gaza Strip, in the area of Daraj Tufah. In raids initiated by dozens of Kalashnikovs, grenades, bazookas and RPG heads were found in one of the civilian houses, some of them inside the children's room. These findings are another example of the Hamas terrorist organization's attempt to conceal weapons and terrorist activity under civilian guise.

The 931st Battalion's combat team operated in recent days in the northern Gaza Strip, in the area of Daraj Tufah, where many terrorists were killed in clashes • In raids initiated by dozens of Kalashnikovs, grenades, bazookas and RPG heads were found in one of the civilian houses, some of them inside the children's room

The ground operation in the Gaza Strip continues all the time: in recent days, the combat team of the 931st Battalion, with the support of the Nahal Brigade's fire complex, eliminated many terrorists in clashes in the area of Daraj Tufah in the northern Gaza Strip. In light of the many clashes, and the understanding that the area is saturated with terrorists and weapons, the battalion combat team set out yesterday to carry out raids initiated in the area.

Dozens of Kalashnikovs were caught in the raid, Photo: IDF Spokesperson

During the raids, in one of the civilian homes, the fighters found dozens of Kalashnikovs, grenades, bazookas, RPG heads and Israeli license plates found inside the children's room.

The forces operate in Daraj Tufah in the northern Gaza Strip, Photo: IDF Spokesperson

These findings are another example of the Hamas terrorist organization's attempt to conceal weapons and terrorist activity under civilian guise.

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