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Signs of a return to normal: Car thieves are back in action | Israel Hayom

12/27/2023, 9:02:21 AM

Highlights: Signs of a return to normal: Car thieves are back in action | Israel Hayom. A national sample of about 700,000 vehicles indicates a sharp increase in car thefts in December. This is an "awakening" of car thieves who "rested" in the first months of the war. According to the sample, Gush Dan is the preferred area for car thieves, and jeeps are the most stolen type. In 2023, car thieves focused on moving vehicles through checkpoints to the cities of Ramallah, Qalqiliya and Tulkarm.

A national sample of about 700,000 vehicles indicates a sharp increase in car thefts in December • This is an "awakening" of car thieves who "rested" in the first months of the war • According to the sample, Gush Dan is the preferred area for car thieves, and jeeps are the most stolen type • In 2023, car thieves focused on moving vehicles through checkpoints to the cities of Ramallah, Qalqiliya and Tulkarm, located near the center of the country

For about two months, the car thieves "rested" due to the high presence of security forces, but in December the figures returned to normal. A 2023 car theft study, based on a national sample of about 700,000 vehicles, states that there has been a sharp 87% increase in car thefts.

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As stated, during the war, between October and November, a decrease in theft cases was observed, and in 2023 there was a 60% increase in car thefts compared to the previous year. Gush Dan, by the way, is still the favorite area for thieves.

Info: Car theft by city in 2023, photo: Israel Hayom

The increase in car thefts in 2023 stems from the shortage of spare parts for vehicles in Israel and the self-use of car parts in the Palestinian Authority.

In an analysis of a sample conducted by Ituran, we see that the preferred area for car thieves is Gush Dan, which continues to lead the table with 42% of all theft incidents, followed by the Sharon region with 24%, the southern region with 13%, the Shfela region with 8%, Jerusalem and Modi'in with 9%, the northern region with 3%, and Judea and Samaria with 1%.

The car lot in Netivot, photo: Shmuel Buchris

The 12 cities with the most attempted theft: Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Jerusalem, Be'er Sheva, Ramat Gan, Rishon LeZion, Kfar Saba, Holon, Netanya, Rosh HaAyin, Modi'in and Herzliya.Type of vehicles with the highest incidence of attempted theft in 2023: private vehicles – 27%, jeeps and jeeps – 44%, commercial vehicles – 8%, trucks – 6%, motorcycles – 14% and heavy equipment vehicles – 1%.
The main target of car thieves in 2023 was the PA territories (Tulkarm, Qalqiliya, Ramallah and Hebron), similar to previous years.

Scrap yard, photo: GetiaImages (illustration)

In 13% of theft incidents, the thief had the car key, 18% of all theft attempts were violent burglary, 62% by connecting and coding to an OBD
outlet, 6% by dragging / loading the vehicle and stealing it, and 1% the vehicle was robbed of its owner or the key remained in the vehicle.
In 14% of incidents, thieves used a frequency disruptor.

In 2023, car thieves focused on transferring the stolen vehicles through checkpoints to the Palestinian Authority to the cities of Ramallah, Qalqiliya and Tulkarm, which are located near the center of the country, and which serve as cities of refuge for all intents and purposes.

Nir Sharatsky, CEO of Ituran, said: "In 2023, Ituran led to the arrest of 636 squads suspected of car theft. An increase of 128% compared to the same period last year. The arrest of the thieves' squads saved the Israeli economy NIS 3.5 billion."

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