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9 Signs Your Boss Isn't Exactly Happy With You Anymore | Israel Hayom

12/28/2023, 6:53:20 AM

Highlights: 9 Signs Your Boss Isn't Exactly Happy With You Anymore | Israel Hayom. Has your work recently become less exciting, more tense and much less friendly? This may be due to dissatisfaction on the part of the boss. We reached out to ChatGPT and Perplexity and asked them for a list of clues that you're not exactly the best employee in your boss's eyes. This way you will know if they have already started thinking about your future at the company. If you find a mistake in the article, please share with us.

Has your work recently become less exciting, more tense and much less friendly? This may be due to dissatisfaction on the part of the boss. This way you will know if they have already started thinking about your future at the company

Let's face it: your work, which in the first few days you came to full of enthusiasm, no longer seems glamorous or even interesting to you. Unfortunately, your boss has also noticed a drop in motivation, and now you're worried that he's already considering your future at the company. We reached out to ChatGPT and Perplexity and asked them for a list of clues that you're not exactly the best employee in your boss's eyes.

1. The silence that remains
Remember the days when your boss would smile at you every morning, say "good morning" and talk to you about huh and da? Now he barely looks up from the screen when you enter, avoids eye contact, gives minimal answers and barely bothers to exchange a word with you – even to your emails he answers late, briefly and coldly, if he even bothers to answer. This may be a sign of dissatisfaction.

2. Unemployment is not so hidden
If once your boss assigned you tasks from here until the last Thursday of 2024, and lately you suddenly feel like you have nothing to do on Monday or Tuesday afternoon – it's not necessarily because you've become really good at getting things done quickly. Your boss may choose to assign key tasks to others because of his distrust of you or because of a preference for their job.

3. Opportunity to go
If not only assignments, but also advancement opportunities elude you time after time in favor of other, sometimes newer colleagues – it's really time to start worrying.

4. Satan hides in details
A certain level of supervision at work is normal – but if your boss interferes in every detail of your work, it's a very strong signal of distrust or an attempt to make you realize that the way you do things has made him want to make you feel small and unnecessary.

5. Frequent closed-door
meetings Closed-door meetings are common in most workplaces – but an increase in frequency, or at least the number of colleagues you are invited to and you are not, may be a sign that you are being intentionally excluded.

6. Criticism Criticism
from the boss is not uncommon. On the other hand, if he repeatedly criticizes you negatively in front of your colleagues, it's a clear indication of dissatisfaction. On the other hand, even a lack of criticism – or a delay in feedback on your performance – may indicate hesitation about whether to give you another chance or 'break the rules'.

7. Selective
Enforcement If a hitherto unenforced policy or procedure suddenly becomes predictable—whether it's timeliness, sporadic typos, or the formal dress code—it may be a way to signal that you're being scrutinized for other reasons.

8. Rumor Major
If you suddenly discover that rumors and gossip are being circulated against you in the workplace—whether they concern general things, but especially if they concern the quality of your work—it may be a boss trying to hint at something, or even make you leave in shame.

9. Non-collegial
Sometimes what implies a boss's dissatisfaction is not his own behavior, but a change in attitude toward your colleagues, who are suddenly less eager to cooperate with you or just talk to you in the coffee corner when the boss hears.

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