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Even before the government made its decision: IDF begins releasing reservists running in local elections | Israel Hayom

12/28/2023, 11:22:37 AM

Highlights: Even before the government made its decision: IDF begins releasing reservists running in local elections. Conversations with officers indicate that many refused to be released and abandon their soldiers in the field. High Court is expected to hear petitions against holding elections in January only on Sunday. In the vast majority of candidates are independents, with 69% of the current council among the current members, according to Israel Hayom. The government has not yet made a decision on whether to postpone the elections, but it seems that the decision has already fallen.

Even before the government's decision, the IDF began releasing candidates for local mayors in favor of running in elections • Conversations with officers indicate that many refused to be released and abandon their soldiers in the field

First publication: Reserve officers have been receiving calls in recent hours from the army discharging them from reserve duty in order to run in local elections, even before the government has made a decision on the matter, and the High Court is expected to hear petitions against holding elections in January only on Sunday.

Officers who received calls told Israel Hayom that they refused to be released and refused to leave their soldiers behind while receiving exclusive discharge to run in the elections. The government has not yet made a decision on whether to postpone the elections, but it seems that the decision has already fallen, and contrary to the chief of staff's position on the difficulties in holding elections during the war, they will get underway as planned at the end of January.

Shimon Tubul, deputy mayor of Be'er Sheva, also received a call and sent a message to the prime minister: "It cannot be that you put us in a difficult situation and let us choose the lives of our friends or go back to the elections. Don't throw us out, postpone the elections until after the war."

"Who do you love more than Mom or Dad? Who hasn't been asked this question once? So this morning I received a call from the liaison officer that I would probably be released from reserve duty because of the elections. So who do I love? Or where am I more important and willing to be during this time? For three months we have been in uniform with complex incidents on the northern border, believe in the righteousness of the road, believe in the right of the state to protect its citizens. But apparently the decision makers care less about what matters, but more about themselves," Capt. (res.) Yizhar Peretz wrote this morning.

"I decided, I love my soldiers, I love my city, I love everyone, so I left the list that came with a lot of love to change and repair and connect, so I didn't ask who I love more, but the choice is very simple. I stay with my soldiers and don't leave until victory! I was happy to take part in the journey of religious Zionism in Nahariya, wish success to each member of the faction and group, will we continue to contribute in a different way to the people of Israel who are busy protecting and protecting citizens and politicians? Let them continue to do what they're good at."

Sergeant Tal Dantes, who serves in a paratroopers unit, number 7056 on the "Tov" list in the colony in the city of Pardes Hanna-Karkur, was also notified this morning that he is being discharged from reserve duty. On the phone, he was told that "although yesterday we received an order to extend the time of service, you have to decide whether you are discharged immediately or give up the election."

They put us in an impossible situation

Other soldiers who received similar calls and asked not to be identified told Israel Hayom: "Under the auspices of an extension granted by the High Court of Justice, the State of Israel is trying to release soldiers from reserve duty and put them in an impossible situation. How can a soldier be required to leave his comrades in the middle of a war? Is everything kosher for holding elections and helping political activists?"

The campaign to postpone the local elections said in response: "The cynical act of the state and the army is the mirror of the times - and we were all afraid that this moment would come. On the one hand, they issue an announcement that there will be a decision on the matter on Sunday – the interior minister issues a statement that he has decided to postpone. But the military is already releasing coping reservists, and a hearing in the High Court of Justice will take place on Sunday after a request for a postponement from the state.

"We view the release notices to reserve officers, combatants and combat supporters with great severity. We urge again don't let cheap Politka win! We expect the state and the military to announce that there was a mistake in sending the messages and to wait until at least the government's decision. The unity of the people is very important at this time. Every day we bury the best of our sons who give their lives for the country. No one has the mind or desire to deal with politics. We very much hope that common sense will prevail and that the release of the reserves will be canceled."

Local government researcher Tal Elovitch told Israel Hayom: "It should be noted that the problem of not postponing the elections meets all candidates, not just those running on behalf of political parties. In Israel, the vast majority of candidates are independents, for example, among the current council members, 69.5% ran as independents. In the previous term, their share of elected representatives was 67%. The significance of this in the context of postponing the elections is twofold: first, the independents do not have the financial backing of a party, so the uncertainty jeopardizes their ability to run equally. Second, the independents do not have a united body to cry out while they are in reserve, by their nature they are decentralized and not concentrated under one party or another."

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