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Following the damage to agriculture in the envelope areas: this is the popular vegetable that will soon disappear from the shelves for a long time | Israel Hayom

12/28/2023, 8:15:54 AM

Highlights: The agricultural fields of Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak in the cluster have been severely damaged since October 7. Among other things, the dwarf carrots grown in the State of Israel, exclusively in the fields of the settlement, have almost completely disappeared. A veteran farmer from Eshkol says: "The land and infrastructure were damaged by the engineering tools and diesel fuel, it's still considered a war zone, so we can't go back and repair" This means that very soon the shortage may be reflected in an increase in the price of Israelis' favorite shelf product.

Due to the heavy fighting in the envelope areas and the damage to the growing areas in the envelope, it is very possible that the dwarf carrots, which are grown only in the fields of Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak, will be in short supply for a long time • A veteran farmer from Eshkol says: "The land and infrastructure were damaged by the engineering tools and diesel fuel, it's still considered a war zone, so we can't go back and repair"

Will we soon see a shortage of one of Israelis' favorite off-the-shelf products? The agricultural fields of Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak in the cluster have been severely damaged since October 7, with severe consequences, as among other things, the dwarf carrots grown in the State of Israel, exclusively in the fields of the settlement, have almost completely disappeared.

The dwarf carrots marketed by Sunfrost are grown there exclusively. Zamir Haimi, a veteran farmer from the cluster who currently moves between working in the fields and Kibbutz Eilot, tells Israel Hayom, to which the rest of the kibbutz members are evacuated.

"I can divide it into two things," explains Haimi, who is also Tal Haimi's uncle, who fell in battle that Saturday. "You have to understand the depth of the damage to infrastructure after tanks, heavy engineering tools and vehicles drive through the fields. There is severe damage to infrastructure, plumbing and faucets. Beyond that, the second part is the damage to the ground - she knows how to remember years ahead. The soil is squeezed in and it damages the roots, and from time to time a little diesel fuel is spilled – nothing will grow at these points."

Very soon we will feel the shortage. "We were on October 7 at a stage where carrot growth was behind us, everything was already peeking - but since that Saturday we couldn't water anymore, because we had a communication failure and the irrigation systems work with the help of computers. Of course, it was impossible to manually open the faucets, because it's a war zone."

The people of Nir Yitzhak are responsible for the exclusive cultivation of the dwarf carrots. According to Haimi, "We are the only growers of Sunfrost, and there is no dwarf carrot in this round - 700 dunams where thousands of tons are grown."

This means that very soon the shortage may be reflected in an increase in the price of Israelis' favorite shelf product, and in the bad scenario we simply will not see it. There are many growers in Israel who grow regular carrots, but dwarf carrots are a unique product that will probably soon disappear from the shelves.

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