The Limited Times

Netanyahu's Significant Decision: Unity or Division, Trust or Falsehood | Israel Hayom

12/28/2023, 5:23:07 AM

Highlights: Netanyahu's Significant Decision: Unity or Division, Trust or Falsehood. Ben-Gvir is not the story. The decision is in the hands of the prime minister. Netanyahu's weakness vis-à-vis his partners is very evident. The intention is to crowd ranks, maintain and hold his 64 seats the day after the war. When these are the considerations, in the midst of a difficult war, it indicates a big problem. It is clear to all his partners – Deri, Gafni and most of his party members – agreements must be respected.

Ben-Gvir is not the story. The decision is in the hands of the prime minister • Even if Netanyahu ultimately chooses to remove Ben-Gvir from his intention to change commissioner and go with Gantz, it is hard to ignore two things that this political event teaches: the political consideration during the war and Netanyahu's weakness vis-à-vis his partners

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently marking one year since the establishment of the government. And these days the same prime minister must make a significant decision: unity or division, trust or falsehood, classiness or slime, petty politics or the needs of the nation.

Gantz on attack on Ben-Gvir: "There are those who allow themselves to return to October 6"

The story is not Itamar Ben-Gvir at all, although one would expect more from him as well. After all, Ben-Gvir declared during the election campaign: "I have changed" – meaning I have become more mature, more considerate, with a broader vision. He could have set up a meeting or convened a press conference and said that in light of what he sees as the commissioner's failures and in light of substantial disagreements between them, he is asking Netanyahu – and yes, Benny Gantz as well – to end Perry's term and bring in a candidate he thinks is more suitable. In dialogue, in agreement, not with a finger in the eye.

Ben-Gvir is not the story

But as mentioned, Ben-Gvir is not the story. The decision is in the hands of the Prime Minister. It is clear to all his partners – Deri, Gafni and most of his party members – what he needs to do: agreements must be respected. Point. No grief, no maybe, no stuttering. You signed - will keep.

Even if Netanyahu ultimately chooses to remove Ben-Gvir from his intention to change commissioner and go with Gantz, it is hard to ignore two things that this political event teaches: the political consideration during the war and Netanyahu's weakness vis-à-vis his partners.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, photo: Oren Ben-Hakon

Everyone makes political considerations, even in the middle of the war, but the commissioner's incident is perhaps the most blatant, mainly because Netanyahu was in no hurry to immediately "straighten out" Ben-Gvir. Quite a few people heard Netanyahu and those around him say the phrase "political skeleton." The intention is to crowd ranks, maintain and hold his 64 seats the day after the war. When these are the considerations, in the midst of a difficult war, it indicates a big problem.

Netanyahu's weakness

In addition, Netanyahu's weakness vis-à-vis his partners is very evident. Where has the prestige of the prime minister's word been lost? In the past, Netanyahu did not blink – people who did not respect his decisions found themselves with letters of dismissal. Ask Itzik Mordechai, Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni. The Netanyahu of yesteryear would have acted an hour after Ben-Gvir announced the replacement, contrary to the commitment made by the prime minister. The fact that he does not immediately call Ben-Gvir to him in order to put him in his place and tell him, "Sir, he will toe the line with my decisions" shows Netanyahu's weakness.

The story shows his weakness, Netanyahu (archive), photo: AFP

Very few people dispute that Gantz and Eisenkot's importance in the government is very great. It conveys emergency and unity, inside and outside the State of Israel. It is doubtful whether both of them, who live and function in a long-standing "soldier" consciousness, will quit the government because of this. Failure to honor the agreement with them will remain a stain on Netanyahu.

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