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New Year's Eve departures increase, more than 10 million on the road - News

12/30/2023, 8:53:07 AM

Highlights: New Year's Eve departures increase, more than 10 million on the road - News. Confcommercio, 4 out of 10 go to the mountains and travel abroad is increasing. There will be 10.6 million Italians traveling on New year's Eve, over a million more than last year with a total expected expenditure that exceeds 3.6 billion. The passion for skiing and mountain activities favours the destinations of the Alps: Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy and Piedmont in the lead.

Confcommercio, 4 out of 10 go to the mountains and travel abroad is increasing (ANSA)

There will be 10.6 million Italians traveling on New Year's Eve, over a million more than last year with a total expected expenditure that exceeds 3.6 billion: a result that would be even more exceptional if even a part of the many undecided until the last moment - also thanks to the current flu peak - were finally convinced to leave, In all likelihood, in this case, focusing on the hospitality of relatives and friends or in second homes. This is what emerges from the Focus of the Confcommercio Tourism Observatory with Swg. As many as 4 out of 10 Italians choose the mountains. There has also been a significant increase in the number of people who choose abroad.

New Year's Eve is the most popular holiday of the "triptych" that includes Christmas and Epiphany, and also the most dedicated to the mountains, followed by large cities, cities of art and villages for a total of 27%, and the resorts of the coast, which are worth 16%.

The passion for skiing and mountain activities favours the destinations of the Alps: Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy and Piedmont in the lead, while, among the cities of art, Rome exerts a particular attraction on Italian tourists, contributing to Lazio's second place in the regional ranking. Compared to a year ago, the share of those who will stay close to their place of residence, or in any case in their own region, has been reduced from 50% to 32%, while the number of travellers travelling throughout Italy has risen from 38% to 48%.

There has also been a significant increase in the number of people who choose to go abroad - mainly Germany, France and Great Britain - to celebrate the beginning of the new year: 20%, 8 percentage points more than last year. The end of the year is celebrated in the comfort of a tourist accommodation facility in 6 out of 10 cases. Half of the interviewees have planned a stay of a maximum of 2 nights at their destination while, of the remaining half, a third is part of the ranks of the luckiest who will extend their holiday for 6 days or more, thus combining at least two of the anniversaries on the calendar in a single trip, if not all three. The liveliness of demand, already recorded for Christmas departures, is therefore confirmed - and indeed, accentuated - on New Year's Eve.

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