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Fear at longest border: Hezbollah will try to break through from Jordan | Israel Hayom

1/1/2024, 4:23:36 AM

Highlights: The IDF is fundamentally changing its operational preparedness on the border with Jordan. There has been a surge in arms smuggling from the kingdom and the fear of Iranian-sponsored attacks that could take place along the border in 2024. Israel Hayom has learned from an army source that the reference scenario is attempts by Hezbollah or other pro-Iranian militias to break out of the Jordanian border into one of the communities near the border. The army rejects a scenario of a "reversal of reeds" on the part of theJordanian army, but agrees that there may be lone soldiers who will launch a shooting spree.

Construction of a new barrier along the fence, observation posts, technological means and tighter security – this is how Israel intends to prevent terrorist attacks from its eastern neighbor Among other scenarios: Pro-Iranian militias break into one of the communities near the border The IDF is in contact with the kingdom's army, which is trying to stop invaders into its territory

The IDF is fundamentally changing its operational preparedness on the border with Jordan, following a surge in arms smuggling from the kingdom and the fear of Iranian-sponsored attacks that could take place along the border in 2024.

Israel Hayom has learned from an army source that the reference scenario being prepared for by the Central Command is attempts by Hezbollah or other pro-Iranian militias to break out of the Jordanian border into one of the communities near the border.

Arms smuggling on the Jordanian border thwarted

The eastern border with Jordan stretches for 309 kilometers and is the longest Israel has with one of its neighbors. In the past two years, there has been a dramatic increase in arms smuggling from Jordan to the West Bank, and the IDF believes that Iran is behind the shipments. More than 1,000 weapons of various types were seized along the border. Among other things, smugglers use M-16 air rifles, while in Israel the assemblies adapted to air bullets are replaced with those suitable for standard bullets. In one case, an IED was even seized as an Iranian-made limgur at the border. The IDF knows that only some of the smuggling is caught. This is one of the explanations for the increase in terrorist attacks and the availability of weapons in Judea and Samaria over the past two years.

The army rejects a scenario of a "reversal of reeds" on the part of the Jordanian army, but agrees that there may be lone soldiers who will launch a shooting spree, as has already happened in the past

Smuggling takes place along the entire border – from the Arava, through the Dead Sea to the tri-border area between Jordan, Israel and Syria. In light of the increase in smuggling and threats, the IDF has already doubled the number of forces along the border. The work plan for 2024 is even more extensive. The army is expected to ask the cabinet to build an obstacle along the border, as there is between Israel and Egypt. In addition, observation posts will be established, guards will be strengthened, and other means will be installed to deal with smuggling and thwart possible attacks.

Frequent sounds of gunfire

The change in attitude from "peaceful border" to "warm border" follows the escalating challenge of the Hashemite Kingdom by Iranian satellites in recent months. Iranian-backed forces are trying to break into it, both from Iraq and Syria, endangering the kingdom's sovereignty. The Jordanians, for their part, are trying very hard to stop the invaders.

Weapons seized from the Jordanian border, photo: Dudu Greenspan

Two weeks ago, a particularly serious attack took place, which, according to a Jordanian army statement, "lasted 14 hours, and seized large quantities of weapons, rockets and weapons of various kinds." In the same incident, a Jordanian Air Force F-16 was activated against the invaders in order to repel the attack.

The IDF maintains contact with the Jordanian army in order to fight the phenomenon together. This connection has been maintained in recent weeks, when Israeli residents along the Jordan Valley report frequent gunfire from the border area. Videos were even posted on social networks documenting the sounds of gunfire heard from Ashdot Ya'akov and the surrounding area.

Nasrallah picture at home that Israel bombed in an "iron sword" war, photo: Reuters

The IDF accepts the Jordanian army's explanation that this is firing into the thicket and into the water along the stream in order to deter arms smugglers who, under its cover and under cover of night, try to transfer weapons to the Israeli side of the fence. At the same time, partly due to complaints from residents and as a lesson learned from the Hamas attack, the alert squads in the communities were strengthened in order to stop an invasion of the communities, God forbid.

Soldiers on the Jordanian-Israeli border, photo: Report

Migrants infiltrating from Jordan

The army rejects a scenario of a "reversal of reeds" on the part of the Jordanian army, but agrees that there may be lone soldiers who will launch a shooting spree, as has already happened in the past (in 1997, a Jordanian soldier opened fire at schoolgirls. As a result, seven Israeli girls were murdered and four girls and one teacher were injured – an event known as the "Naharayim massacre"). However, the IDF is preparing for an equally serious scenario in which the same Iranian militias manage to infiltrate Jordan and from there later attack Israel.

Israel Hayom revealed that the number of illegal migrant workers infiltrating Israel from Jordan has also risen over the past year.

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