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Forecasters warn: Stay away from the beach – it is dangerous | Israel Hayom

1/1/2024, 9:34:26 AM

Highlights: Forecasters warn: Stay away from the beach – it is dangerous | Israel Hayom. Towns erect artificial dunes to prevent neighborhood flooding. What's going on with the crazy weather?. The U.S. West Coast faces a barrage of enormous waves, up to 10 meters high, causing chaos and danger along the coasts of California and Oregon. Such waves have knocked pedestrians down and flooded a hotel near the coast, and forecasters are warning residents and visitors to the coastline of potential risks.

In the last week of 2023, forecasters in the United States warned not only of danger to those surfing or bathing in the sea, but even those who live near the coast. Towns erect artificial dunes to prevent neighborhood flooding. What's going on with the crazy weather?

In Israel, it is customary to announce at the end of news broadcasts that the sea is "high-wavy" and that bathing in it is dangerous – but in other countries even this is no longer enough. In the last week of 2023, forecasters on the U.S. West Coast – the one facing the Pacific Ocean – warned that, contrary to the ocean's nickname, it is really, really unquiet and not only dangerous to bathe in, but dangerous even to get close to. We turned to ChatGPT to understand what was going on there.

The U.S. West Coast faces a barrage of enormous waves, up to 10 meters high, causing chaos and danger along the coasts of California and Oregon (the two states that make up most of the U.S. West Coast). Such waves have knocked pedestrians down and flooded a hotel near the coast, and forecasters are warning residents and visitors to the coastline of potential risks.

In Ventura County, north of Los Angeles, the high waves led to injuries and property damage. A video filmed in the county town shows the moment a huge wave breaks waves, knocks down passersby and triggers immediate emergency responses. Eight people were transferred to local hospitals following this incident.

The National Weather Service (NWS) issued warnings of "extremely dangerous conditions," highlighting the unusual risk of drowning in the ocean and possible damage to buildings on the coast. The service urged coastal communities to be vigilant, especially around areas where even at low tide they are very close, let alone at high tide.

In response to the increased risks, firefighters and maintenance workers in Ventura worked to strengthen the beaches; Dirt workers were deployed to build artificial dunes, protecting coastal houses from the onslaught of the waves. Sandbag distribution sites were set up for residents to fortify their properties from potential flooding. Authorities stressed the importance of staying vigilant and complying with safety recommendations, given the increased risk of drowning in the ocean and the potential impact on coastal infrastructure.

The huge waves are just one of the most unusual and extreme weather phenomena observed in 2023 – from intense heat waves in summer to record-breaking rainfall in winter. Scientists attribute these changes to the impact of climate change, emphasizing the need for increased preparedness in the face of more frequent and intense weather events.

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