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Charge: Expressed dissatisfaction with the results of the Sulha - and shot his relative who represented the other side | Israel Hayom

1/11/2024, 4:06:46 PM

Highlights: Muhammad Bashish, 28, was charged with attempted murder and carrying a weapon. He shot a relative who represented the other side of a dispute. The dispute was over compensation for Bashish's father, who was run over by a car. Bashish was shot in the face, shoulder and left arm and tried to run away from the man. He was taken to hospital where he was treated for his injuries and released. He is now being held in custody until the end of the trial.

According to the indictment filed against Muhammad Bashish, 28, from Rahat, he shot a relative who represented the other side in the dispute in which he was involved • Among other things, he was charged with attempted murder and illegal carrying of weapons

An indictment for attempted murder and carrying a weapon was filed Thursday against Mohammed Bashish, 28, from Rahat, who shot a relative after he was dissatisfied with the results of the sulha in which the relative represented the other side.

The indictment filed by the State Attorney's Office with the Beer Sheva District Court indicates that after Bashash's father was run over, a dispute arose, and that several months ago there was a "sulha" procedure between Beshish's side and another side of the family.

As part of the negotiations for Sulha, the complainant, his brother and others represented the side of the family that had fallen out with Bashish's family. Bashish's family demanded compensation of seven million shekels, and in the end, the complainant and his brother reduced the compensation amount to 250,<> shekels.

The results of the negotiations were not satisfactory to Bashish, so in the early evening of October 30, Bashish emerged from behind the complainant who had left the mosque, wearing a hoodie and carrying a pistol. When the complainant turned around, he fired a marble at his upper body and head with the intention of causing his death. The complainant was hit in the face, shoulder and left arm, fell to the ground and tried to run away from a man who continued to fire several more shots at him before fleeing the scene.

In the motion to remand until the end of the proceedings, attorney Aviv Damari stated: "The respondent proved by his actions that he is very dangerous to the public and to the complainant. The respondent, for no tangible reason, and without having any conflict or issue with the complainant, vouched for him and shot him in the direction of his head and upper body, seeking to take his own life."

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