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IDF soldiers arrive at the English cemetery in Gaza and read Kaddish next to the grave of a Jew who fought in the British Army | Israel Hayom

1/12/2024, 11:48:55 AM

Highlights: IDF soldiers arrive at the English cemetery in Gaza and read Kaddish next to the grave of a Jew who fought in the British Army. The cemetery is located in the northern Gaza Strip in the area of the Sajaiya neighborhood, which was taken over by the IDF. "Among the British fallen soldiers of World War I, there were also Jewish fighters who fell," said the soldier who documented the moment to the sound of helicopters and bombs sounding in the background. The IDF is carrying out mopping up operations there at this stage.

The cemetery is located in the northern Gaza Strip in the area of the Sajaiya neighborhood, which was taken over by the IDF • "They bury here fighters in the British army who fell in World War I, including Jews," said the soldier who documented the moment with the sound of bombs in the background

IDF soldiers arrived at the English cemetery in Gaza, where they noticed the grave of a Jew who fought with the British army and fell in World War I. Immediately afterwards, the soldiers chanted Kaddish in his memory and wrapped his grave in an Israeli flag.

At the English battlehouse in Gaza: an IDF soldier recited Kaddish in memory of a Jew who fought in the British army \\ Photo: Use is made in accordance with section 27A of the Copyright Law

"We are in the English cemetery in Gaza," said the soldier who documented the moment to the sound of helicopters and bombs sounding in the background. "Among the British fallen soldiers of World War I, there were also Jewish fighters who fell in World War I, and we will say Kaddish here."

The English cemetery in Gaza, photo: Use is made in accordance with section 27A of the Copyright Law

The English cemetery is located in the northern Gaza Strip in the area of the Sajaiya neighborhood. The entire area is occupied by the IDF, which is carrying out mopping up operations there at this stage.

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