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Inside a building surrounded by cameras: Tunnel found on the outskirts of Qusra village in Binyamin | Israel Hayom

1/12/2024, 12:36:37 PM

Highlights: An IDF force noticed an illegal Arab building surrounded by cameras and flashlights, motion sensors and a secure door. A breach of the steel door revealed a shaft in the floor of the building, which led to a tunnel that descended several meters into the ground. Security sources exposed to the tunnel said that it was definitely an excavation for hostile purposes and may have been intended as a hiding place for terrorists and weapons. The incident was reported several weeks ago to senior military officials in the area, but they have so far refrained from demolishing the tunnel and the building.

This is a hostile village, from which a series of shooting attacks were carried out in recent months at the nearby community of Ash Kodesh • An IDF force noticed an illegal Arab building surrounded by cameras and flashlights, motion sensors and a secure door • A breach of the building's door revealed a tunnel shaft on the floor of the house that descends into the ground

The phenomenon of tunnels is expanding: IDF soldiers patrolling the area between the village of Qusra and the settlement of Ash Kodesh in Binyamin a few weeks ago noticed an illegal concrete structure recently erected in the olive groves on the outskirts of the village.

The building, which was built far from the village and was surrounded by cameras and flashlights and locked with a steel door, aroused the suspicions of the fighters, who decided to examine the contents of the building. A breach of the steel door revealed a shaft in the floor of the building, which was covered with wooden planks and nylon sheeting, which led to a tunnel that descended several meters into the ground - first to the depth and then turned right and advanced several more meters.

Binyamin area, photo: TPS

The fighters who located the tunnel said that judging by the excavation marks and tools found in the field, it appeared to be a fresh tunnel still being excavated. Security sources exposed to the tunnel said that it was not possible to determine at this stage what the tunnel was planned for, but that it was definitely an excavation for hostile purposes and may have been intended as a hiding place for terrorists and weapons.

In addition, a great effort was made to conceal the existence of the tunnel, and even the large amount of dirt removed from the tunnel was scattered by the terrorists in the nearby grove in order to disguise the excavations.

The discovery of the tunnel in the area in question raised even greater suspicion among residents of the area that it was intended for terrorist purposes, since it is a location where only recently four shooting incidents were carried out at the community of Ash Kodesh and on a highway that has been dealing for years with attacks by the murderous village of Qusra.

Tunnel found in the Binyamin region, photo: uncredited

The incident was reported several weeks ago to senior military officials in the area, but they have so far refrained from demolishing the tunnel and the building.

"The feeling is that the military establishment has learned nothing from Simchat Torah cuisine and is doing everything in its power to sweep the incident under the rug," one of the sources said. "How is it possible that the owner of the area was not even summoned for questioning, and what is the problem with demolishing the building and exposing the entire tunnel? Even so, this is an illegal structure in Area C that is destined to be demolished," one of the sources wondered. "This is not what dealing with a suspected incident of serious terrorism looks like, but rather an attempt by the system to silence what is happening here."

Another source in the communities in the area also attacked the statement that "this will harm the sense of security": "It seems that the security establishment has not yet understood the situation in the country. A sense of security in the country simply does not exist, and such attempts at silencing only further harm what little is left. We are not looking for an imaginary sense of security and quiet, but real and real security. In the meantime, the IDF command's handling of this incident, as well as a series of incidents in the region, does not provide security and certainly not a sense of security."

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