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The US military officially announced another attack in Yemen; Spokesman for Hamas' Ministry of Prisoners' Media in the Gaza Strip Killed | Israel Hayom

1/13/2024, 4:29:39 AM

Highlights: The US military officially announced another attack in Yemen; Spokesman for Hamas' Ministry of Prisoners' Media in the Gaza Strip Killed | Israel Hayom. The Palestinians report on the activity of the security forces in Judea and Samaria. The New York Times publishes - the CIA collects information on senior Hamas figures and the location of the abductees in Gaza. On 7 October, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israel. Behind the invasion was a chain of commanders and leaders who bear responsibility for the mass slaughter. Who was eliminated and who survived?

The Palestinians report on the activity of the security forces in Judea and Samaria • The New York Times publishes - the CIA collects information on senior Hamas figures and the location of the abductees in Gaza

The 99th day of the fighting: Tonight, between Friday and Saturday, US planes once again attacked Houthi targets and targets in Yemen. In addition, according to Palestinian sources, tonight Hazem Hassanein, spokesman for Hamas' prisoners' media office, was killed in airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.

36th Division in Khan Yunis and al-Maghazi // IDF Spokesperson

Special Project: On 7 October, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israel. Behind the invasion was a chain of commanders and leaders who bear responsibility for the mass slaughter. Who was eliminated and who survived? Crosshairs on Hamas

The "Crosshairs on Hamas" project, photo: uncredited

Regular updates

06:06 a.m.: The U.S. military confirms that U.S. forces attacked a Houthi radar site, saying it was complementary to last night's wave of attacks. The attack was carried out by a warship that fired Tomahawk missiles at the target. It added that the objective of the attack was "to reduce the Houthis' ability to attack vessels."

04:22: Reports in Lebanon: The US attack against the Houthis targets the al-Dimi base near Sanaa International Airport.

03:35 a.m.: CNN report: The U.S. is once again attacking Houthi rebel targets in Yemen, and two officials confirmed the attack to Reuters. Another official told CNN that the strikes targeted a radar facility.

British-American attack in Yemen, photo: Arab networks

02:44: Arab reports: Israeli security forces are currently operating in Qalqilya and other cities in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinians report that many forces raid terrorists' homes and make arrests.

Israeli Security Forces' Activity in Judea and Samaria 13.01.2024 // Arab Networks

02:25: Red alert activated in teen lane.

00:30: New York Times report: The American intelligence organization collects information about senior Hamas figures and the location of the abductees in Gaza, and provides this intelligence to Israel. Read More

00:05: Palestinian sources: Hazem Hassanein, spokesman for Hamas' prisoners' media office, was killed in attacks in the Gaza Strip. He participated in terrorist activity in the Sajaiya neighborhood and served time in an Israeli prison until his release.

Hazem Hassanein, spokesman for Hamas' ministry of prisoners' communications, was eliminated, photo: Arab networks

Participants in the preparation of this report were: Lilach Shoval, Idan Avni, Dana Ben Shimon, Shahar Kleiman, Ariel Kahane, Shirit Avitan Cohen, Yoav Limor, Hanan Greenwood, Netael Bandel, Ran Reznik, Ilya Yegorov, Avi Cohen, Michel Mechel, Meital Yassour Beit Or, Itzik Saban, Efrat Forsher, Yehuda Schlesinger, Yaron Doron, Neta Bar, Assaf Golan, Ronit Silberstein, Sonia Gorodysky, Shimon Yaish, Hayali Yaakobi-Handelsman, Yuri Yalon, Noam (Dabol) Dvir, Eyal Levy, Tal Ariel Yakir, David Baron, Merav Sever, Dor Malul and Matti Tuchfeld.

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