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Pozzolo case: from the carabinieri negative opinion on the firearms license for defense - News

1/14/2024, 12:19:04 PM

Highlights: Pozzolo case: from the carabinieri negative opinion on the firearms license for defense. He had been granted permission recently, since mid-December. A bullet accidentally fired from his gun at a party in the Biella area had injured one of those present. Other weapons, as already known, Pozzolo had in his house in Vercelli, by virtue of the license to give me for sporting use which he already possessed. The motivation for the request to carry weapons for defense would result in the fear of retaliation following participation in a conference on the situation of Christians in Iran.

He had been granted permission recently, since mid-December (ANSA)

Deputy Emanuele Pozzolo had had a firearms license for self-defense since mid-December and the Carabinieri of Biella had given a negative opinion on the need for the parliamentarian. This was reported by the newspaper La Stampa, which then brings out that only about two weeks had passed when the incident on New Year's Eve took place, in which a bullet accidentally fired from his gun at a party in the Biella area had injured one of those present. Other weapons, as already known, Pozzolo had in his house in Vercelli, by virtue of the license to give me for sporting use which he already possessed.
The negative opinion on the need for self-defense for Pozzolo had been provided by the Biella military, competent for the territory, as the parliamentarian since the autumn of 2022 had established his residence in Campiglia Cervo, therefore in the area, the town near Rosazza, the place of the end-of-year party.
The motivation for the request to carry weapons for defense would result in the fear of retaliation following participation in a conference on the situation of Christians in Iran.

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