The Limited Times

Does Anne Hidalgo's electric car really weigh more than the SUVs she intends to drive out of Paris?

2/4/2024, 10:10:53 AM

Highlights: "Citizen's vote" is being held this Sunday on the place for the "heaviest" SUVs. Some are amused to see the mayor of Paris driving around in an electric car, which they claim is just as heavy. According to them, the average weight of these off-road cars would be “1200 kg” when the Zoé “weighs 1500 kg empty” This information, if it turned out to be true, would undermine several of the major points of the councilor's argument against SUVs: in particular, that these cars considered "heavier, bulkier and polluting" would damage the road and sidewalks.

While the "citizen's vote" is being held this Sunday on the place for the "heaviest" SUVs, some are amused to see the mayor of Paris driving around in an electric car, which they claim is just as heavy.

The hospital that doesn't care about charity?

This is what Anne Hidalgo's detractors seem to think in unison.

While the City of Paris proposes - via this second "citizen vote" organized this Sunday -

"to create a special rate for large vehicles to limit their presence in the city and the nuisance they generate"

, certain defenders of SUVs ( for Sport utility vehicle,

Editor's note

) assure that the company car used by the mayor of the capital - an electric Renault Zoé - is in fact

"heavier than many SUVs"


According to them, the average weight of these off-road cars would be

“1200 kg”

when the Zoé

“weighs 1500 kg empty”


This information, if it turned out to be true, would undermine several of the major points of the councilor's argument against SUVs: in particular the one which states that these cars considered

"heavier, bulkier and polluting"

would damage the road and sidewalks. , but also the one who assures that they would be more…

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