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The surprising and former characters who return: the winners who celebrate after the local elections - voila! news

2/28/2024, 10:03:30 PM

Highlights: The local authority elections that took place yesterday (Tuesday) provided quite a few expected results, but also big surprises. The biggest surprise was recorded in Holon when Shay Keenan won and defeated Mayor Moti Sasson. In Beit Shan, the Levy family suffered a defeat when Mayor Jackie Levy lost the elections to Noam Jumaa. In Yoruham, the "revenge" was completed when Nili Aharon, who lost in 2018, won the elections and deposed the incumbent head of the council, Tal Ohana.

The candidate who defeated one of the oldest city mayors, the replacement of another veteran mayor who retired, the woman who will lead Yeruham in the place of the outgoing head of the council and also the former mayor who was convicted of crimes and after the scandal - won and returns to the bureau in his city. These are their stories

A turnaround in Holon - Shai Keinan beat Moti Sasson/according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

The local authority elections that took place yesterday (Tuesday) provided quite a few expected results, but also big surprises.

At the same time, several comebacks were also registered in the current elections for authorities including one mayor who was convicted of crimes, served his sentence and the stigma imposed on him and is now returning to serve as mayor.

The biggest surprise was recorded in Holon when Shay Keenan won and defeated Mayor Moti Sasson who will end his post after no less than 30 years.

Kenan, supported by Gideon Sa'ar's new hope, will also be the second largest faction in the city council.

Two cities also have a new spirit.

In Ma'ale Adumim, Benny Kashriel announced his retirement after 5 terms in favor of the position of Israel's ambassador to Italy and the person who will succeed him is Guy Yifrah.

Yafarah, a member of Likud and who served as deputy mayor, won almost 57 percent of the votes.

In Kneam, Simon Alfasi retired after serving as mayor since 1989. Now his deputy Roman Peres will replace him after defeating Lea Fedida.

Shai Keenan, Moti Sassoon/image processing, no

In Beit Shan, the Levy family suffered a defeat when Mayor Jackie Levy lost the elections to Noam Jumaa.

The elected mayor is a veteran of the Golani patrol who also managed to fight in the war in Gaza.

The 44-year-old Jumaa managed the high-tech community in the city and in the Valley of the Springs and will now march Beit Shean.

In a direct line to the south, another city that lost its liberal position.

In Arad, a man, Yair, reviews the incumbent mayor of Yesh Atid, Nissan ben Hamo.

Ma'ayan, who served as the CEO of the Bedouin Development and Settlement Authority, won the support of most of the parties in the city, including the Gor Hassidism, which has a large hold.

Yair Maayan/photo processing, Sharon Gabai

There was also a surprise in Gedera.

After 16 years in office, the head of the council, Yoel Gamliel, lost to Sahar Pinto.

As in the case in Holon, Pinto was also supported by Gideon Sa'ar and a new hope.

In Yoruham, the "revenge" was completed when Nili Aharon, who lost in 2018, won the elections and deposed the incumbent head of the council, Tal Ohana.

Neely Aharon/official website, photo: Private

The current elections have also brought former heads of settlements back to the fore.

The most prominent of them is Itzik Ruchberger who is returning to head the city of Ramat Hasharon.

Rockberger was sentenced to six months of community service after being convicted of fraud and breach of trust.

He managed to serve for about a decade as the mayor of the city and already planned to run again in the previous elections, but was disqualified by the Ministry of the Interior.

After he finished serving the punishment imposed on him, Rockberger won the mayoral elections yesterday and will return to his office.

Rockberger/official website, photo: Reuven Kapuchinsky

Another figure is Danny Atar, who returns to serve as head of the Gilboa Regional Council, a position he held between 1994-2015.

Gilboa managed to serve less than a year as a member of the Knesset on behalf of the Zionist camp and was then elected to head KKL-Junk and now he is returning for another term as head of the Gilboa council.

  • More on the same topic:

  • The elections to the local authorities

  • Holon

  • Yeruham

  • Arad

  • Yitzhak Rockberger

  • Danny Atar

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