The Limited Times

Iran strongly condemns Netanyahu's declaration of annexation of Palestinian territory

9/11/2019, 7:07:28 PM

Tehran - The Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the announcement of the Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation entity Benjamin Net


The Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the announcement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's annexation of Palestinian land from the West Bank.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi said in a statement today that "the preoccupation of some Arab regimes claiming to lead the Arab world in marginal affairs and preoccupation with the war and the killing of brothers in Yemen with the support of supporters of the occupying entity of Jerusalem and friendship with the Zionist occupation entity and the alliance with Netanyahu gave an opportunity for the entity Zionist killer of children to declare his evil intentions. ”

"Every day, Netanyahu makes false accusations against Iran and another day he announces his malicious intent to annex other parts of the Palestinian territories to win votes, remain in power and continue expansion and aggression," Mousavi said.

Moussaoui pointed to the meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, stressing that Iran supports any collective action of Islamic countries in order to prevent the continuation of aggression and expansionist tendency of the Zionist entity usurping Jerusalem.

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