The Limited Times

Tarawneh rejects Netanyahu's racist declaration on the occupied West Bank

9/11/2019, 2:16:28 PM

Amman, (SANA) - Speaker of the Jordanian House of Representatives Atef Tarawneh expressed his rejection of the announcement of the Israeli Prime Minister


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Jordan's parliament speaker Atef Tarawneh on Wednesday rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's announcement that he intends to annex Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank.

Tarawneh, in a press statement quoted by the Jordanian news agency Ammon, described Netanyahu's declaration on annexing Palestinian lands as hostile and racist and would escalate tensions in the region. He said that the Jordanian parliament rejects all racist statements issued by the occupation leaders.

Tarawneh said that Netanyahu's talk about his intention to annex the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea "demonstrates a mentality contaminated by rebellion against all international charters and resolutions and rooted the thought of extremism and state terrorism among the occupier and its leaders," noting that Netanyahu's statements "put the agreement signed between Jordan and the occupation entity at stake." .

In a statement issued by the Arab Parliamentary Union, Tarawneh stressed that the Union holds the occupation government responsible for this dangerous declaration, stressing at the same time the unwavering right of the Palestinian people to defend their rights by all means and to live freely, security and dignity in the Holy Land of Palestine within the framework of a sovereign state.

Tarawneh called on the Palestinian people to consolidate their national unity and mobilize all energies to face the dangers posed to the Palestinian cause by adopting a unified national strategy based on the option of continuing struggle and resistance in all its forms to prevent the Israeli occupation authorities from implementing their plans.

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