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Cultural, intellectual and partisan activities: Turkish aggression is an international crime and a blatant violation of Syrian sovereignty

10/10/2019, 12:26:21 PM

SANA - Cultural, intellectual and party activities in Tartous, Sweida and Deir Ezzor confirmed that the Turkish regime's aggression


Cultural, intellectual and partisan activities in Tartous, Sweida and Deir Ezzor have confirmed that the Turkish regime's aggression on Syrian territory is a blatant violation of the unity and sovereignty of Syrian territories and contravenes international laws and agreements that define relations between countries.

The member of the Bar Association branch in Tartous, Lawyer Luay Ismail, said that the Turkish aggression is a described attack and an international crime in accordance with the provisions of international law and the principles of the United Nations and that it will not pass and will face resistance. Syrian.

The head of the student union branch of Hammam Kanaj between Tartous that the Turkish aggression on Syria calls on all Syrians to stand against him and respond firmly because it is aimed at the unity and sovereignty of Syria, while Dr. Madian officer officer at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tartous that what is happening in the Syrian island is the exchange of roles Between two American and Turkish occupiers while retaining the essence of aggression aimed at dividing Syria.

From Deir ez-Zor, Dr. Adnan Al-Owaid pointed to the role of terrorist organizations that the Turkish regime has used as a tool to intervene in Syrian affairs and carry out aggression in an attempt to control geographically some areas under different pretexts.

Director of the culture of Deir Ezzor, Ahmed Al-Ali, that the Turkish ambitions are not born today, the Turkish regime expose his ambitions since the first days of the terrorist war on Syria, where it is no secret to the role of the Erdogan regime to support the terrorist organizations that took Turkey from a passage to Syria and a springboard for its operations against the Syrians, while the artist pointed out Jamal al-Shammari pointed out that this aggression added to the Turkish regime's record of crimes where it continues to occupy the territory of Syria and seeks through its tools and mercenaries and the collusion of the American occupier to threaten the security and safety of the Syrian island and the occupation of part of it, invoking lies that do not lie One.

In Sweida, the secretary of the Socialist Unionist Party branch, Nasr Kerbaj, pointed out that what is happening in the Syrian island proves the essence of the hostile Turkish policy and its collusion with the United States and the implementation of its agenda while trying to achieve its ambitions to restore the so-called “Ottoman Caliphate”, pointing out that the cohesion of the army, leadership and people will be confronted with any Aggression and maintaining the independence and unity of Syria.

Head of the Arab Writers Union branch in Sweida, Dr. Fayez Ezzedin pointed out that the American complicity opened the way for Erdogan to carry out his aggression against Syria in an attempt to mix the political and military cards and complicate them and hinder the political solution in Syria, considering that the aggression shows Erdogan's quest to export his crisis at home.

A member of the Syrian Communist Party in Sweida Amer explained that the Turkish regime represents the poisonous victory of NATO in the side of the region in line with its role in destabilizing the region based on his old dream of achieving the “Ottoman Empire”, pointing out that the aggression comes within the Turkish ambitions to change the demographic form in the north Syria and the works of Syria for the liberation of all its territory, including the occupied Golan and confront the Zionist entity.

Director of the General Company for Water Projects in Sweida Eng. Anwar Hassania between that the current aggression is the result of the failure of the US and Turkish policy towards the situation in Syria, pointing out that every victory achieved by the Syrian army is confronted with attempts of military, political or economic intervention, while researcher Fadi Hadifa To the Turkish-American collusion, where the aggression is taking place with the support and cover of the American to attack the Syrian territories and plunder its wealth.

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