The Limited Times

Iraqi condemnations of the American aggression against the headquarters of the PMF

12/30/2019, 1:56:07 PM

Baghdad-Sana condemned the Iraqi political forces and parliamentary blocs, the American aggression that targeted the headquarters of the crowd


Iraqi political forces and parliamentary blocs condemned the American aggression that targeted the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization in the city of Al-Qaim in Anbar Province, western Iraq, stressing that it violated Iraqi sovereignty and exposed support for terrorist "ISIS" gangs.

Ibrahim al-Jaafari, head of the National Reform Movement, said in a statement that Sana received a copy of it: “While we condemn the violation of Iraqi airspace and sovereignty by the American forces, we condemn the American bombing that killed a number of the popular crowd who gave blood in the war that our Iraqi people fought against ISIS terrorists ”

In turn, the head of the al-Hikma movement, Ammar al-Hakim, denounced the American targeting of the crowd's positions, calling on the government and parliament to take a firm stance towards this aggression.

The representative of the Sadikoun parliamentary bloc Hassan Salem also confirmed that the American bombing of the crowd sites is a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Iraq and said in a statement to the SANA correspondent in Baghdad that “American Zionist intentions are known and are not hidden, aiming to introduce ISIS gangs and station them in Iraq again, and therefore the presence of the popular crowd constitutes An obstacle to the return of these criminal gangs sponsored by America and the Zionists.

Salem called on the Iraqi government to reciprocate this aggression, calling on the political blocs and the House of Representatives to pass a law to remove American forces from Iraq after committing several violations, including supporting and supporting "ISIS" gangs and bombing Iraqi security headquarters.

For his part, the head of the Rafidain Parliamentary Bloc, Yonadam Kanna, described in a similar statement the American aggression against the PMF yesterday as an attack on all of Iraq, calling for a swift move to confront it.

The Parliamentary Bloc of Parliament condemned the American aggression, describing it as "a gross contempt for the sanctity of Iraqi blood, without which our beloved terrorist country would not be liberated" and called on the government to fulfill its duty to defend the sovereignty of Iraq and the safety of its people from any external aggression.

The Parliamentary Alliance indicated that the American aggression would be met by an Iraqi response because it was an attack on national sovereignty and Iraqi dignity, calling on all national forces and political blocs in the House of Representatives to take an urgent and bold decision to demand the government to remove all foreign forces from Iraqi territory.

The Alliance of Parliament MPs stressed that the American assault on the headquarters of the popular crowd in Anbar represents a clear violation of Iraqi sovereignty and a blatant violation of the national will that cannot be accepted.

The popular crowd in Iraq announced yesterday that its sites were attacked by American planes marching west of Al-Anbar Governorate, which resulted in deaths and injuries among members of the brigades 45 and 46.

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