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"Torch Disgraces IDF Cavalry" | Israel Today

2/19/2020, 8:11:50 PM

Rabbi Peretz attacked MK Knesset white, after the latter claimed that Eliraz Peretz was ashamed of him • "Political rivalry has a political border"

Rabbi Peretz attacked MK Knesset white, after the latter claimed that Eliraz Peretz was ashamed of him: "Political rivalry has a limit too"

Minister Rafi Peretz attacked Knesset Member Yair Lapid, a blue-and-white leader, in harsh words on Wednesday, after the latter referred to the connection between Peretz and the late Major Eliraz Peretz, who fell in the Gaza Strip in 2010.

Courtesy of Channel 20

Lapid claimed during an interview with the IDF waves that he "assumes that Elrez Peretz was ashamed of Rabbi Rafi Peretz, who sinned everything he believed in and connected to the Kahanists." -IDF fallen soliders".

Peretz went on to say: "Yair, do not touch our visitors from anyone who is not with us, even political rivalry has a limit. The former chief of staff in your area is expected to condemn your words." Peretz was a student at the Education Minister's meeting before he fell.

Recall that Eliraz Peretz was killed in a collision with a terrorist squad in the Gaza Strip, together with Sgt. Ilan Sabiatowski, and two other soldiers were wounded in the incident.

Eliraz and Uriel's mother became a symbol and received the Israel Prize in 2018.

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