The Limited Times

Hamburg election 2020: hard result for CDU and FDP - AfD over 5 percent

2/23/2020, 9:03:05 PM

The outcome of the Hamburg 2020 election hit some parties hard. The political situation outside of the Hanseatic city also played a role.

The outcome of the Hamburg 2020 election hit some parties hard. The political situation outside of the Hanseatic city also played a role.

  • The new citizenship was elected in Hamburg on February 23 .
  • The SPD's election victory is clear.
  • Here you will find the results of the 2020 general election . You can find out more about developments in our live ticker for the Hamburg election.

Result of the Hamburg election 2020: Current projections

ARD (9.43 p.m.): SPD: 39.1% / Greens: 24.2% / CDU: 11.2% / Leftists: 9.1% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 5.2% / Other: 6.2%

ZDF (9:33 p.m.): SPD: 39.2% / Greens: 24.2% / CDU: 11.2% / Leftists: 9.1% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 5.2% / Other: 6.2%

Update from 9:52 p.m .: In the projections, the values ​​for SPD and AfD continue to move upwards over the evening. While the big lead for the Social Democrats is growing, the AfD has passed the hurdle at the lower end. Although the forecasts did not initially seem to be the case, at 5.2 percent it is likely to make it into the citizenry.

Is the result of the Hamburg election turning? AfD according to projections over 5 percent

Update from 9:00 p.m .: For the first time on election evening, the AfD is showing a result of over 5 percent in the Hamburg election. In a new projection by ZDF, the result has shifted to exactly 5.0 percent, with ARD it is almost 5.1 percent almost simultaneously. At the same time, the FDP has to tremble because it is still at 5.0 percent.

Meanwhile, some viewers wonder why the first forecast of the election evening in the ARD studio was loudly applauded. The statement by an RTL / ntv reporter about the election is also noteworthy.

Here you will also find the press reviews on the election.

Second projection from Hamburg. #HamburgWahl #HHWahl

- ZDF (@ZDF) February 23, 2020

Update from 8:25 p.m .: As the projections approach, the AfD still seems to have chances of moving into the state parliament of Hamburg. While an election result of 4.7 percent of the vote was initially forecast, the AfD was 4.9 percent of the vote at 8 p.m. With a share of 5.0 percent or more, the result in the Hamburg election is enough to move into the citizenship.

Projections confirm the trend towards the outcome of the Hamburg 2020 election

Update from 7:34 p.m .: After the first 6:00 p.m. forecast, the first projections are now available. The electoral research institutes of infratest dimap and research group elections confirm the first trend. The FDP is just under 5.0 percent of the vote, the AfD would not be represented in parliament with 4.7 percent.

Update from 19:12: AfD top candidate Dirk Nockemann did not want to give up hope on election evening that his party could move into the citizenship. Nevertheless, he also assumed that the AfD in Hamburg would perform poorly. In the NDR, he said that the Hamburg election was the “result of a maximum exclusion campaign”. He pointed out that the AfD had much stronger poll values ​​before the scandal in the Thuringian state parliament. * analyzes possible causes for the election result in Hamburg.

Election result in Hamburg: previous projections for the citizens' election

ARD (7.10 p.m.): SPD: 37.6% / Greens: 25.4% / CDU: 11.4% / Leftists: 9.1% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 4.7% / Others: 6.8%

ZDF (7:21 p.m.): SPD: 37.8% / Greens: 25.4% / CDU: 11.3% / Leftists: 9.5% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 4.7% / Others: 6.3%

ARD (19:57): SPD: 38.6% / Greens: 24.8% / CDU: 11.2% / Left: 9.1% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 4.9% / Other: 6.4%

ARD (8:47 p.m.): SPD: 38.9% / Greens: 24.4% / CDU: 11.2% / Left: 9.1% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 5.1% / Other: 6.4%

ZDF (8:53 p.m.): SPD: 38.8% / Greens: 24.2% / CDU: 11.1% / Left: 9.2% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 5.0% / Other: 6.1%

The result of the Hamburg election would bring red-green majority of seats

Update from 6.47 p.m .: According to the first figures, 51 seats for the SPD and 35 seats for the Greens would come from the Hanseatic city - a red-green coalition could rule in the 121-seat Hamburg citizenship. Red-black would also be possible, because the severely weakened CDU still has 16 seats. So Peter Tschentscher can negotiate with more than one party to forge his new government.

+++ Here you will find all results, profits and losses in graphics +++

CDU admits bitter election result in Hamburg

Update from 6:28 p.m .: The parties in Berlin also reacted to the election results in Hamburg. The former mayor Olaf Scholz has already given a clear direction for his party, the CDU admits a historically poor result. We put together the reactions to the Hamburg election.

Update from 6:22 pm: There is no doubt among the parties who will rule in the future. The SPD result at the Hamburg election 2020 means that Dr. Peter Tschentscher can continue to be the first mayor. Socialists and Greens celebrate their election victory, while the CDU, FDP and AfD were probably partially affected by the effects of the Thuringian crisis.

Hamburg has chosen a new citizenship: the 6:00 p.m. forecast. #HamburgWahl #HHWahl # hhbue2020

- Tagesschau (@tagesschau) February 23, 2020

Worst CDU election result in a general election in Hamburg - AfD out?

Update from 6:13 p.m .: The CDU got the worst result in a general election in Hamburg.

Update from 6 p.m .: The result of the Hamburg election 2020 will probably bring the expected winner. According to the 6 p.m. forecast, the SPD is far in the lead, the Greens have secured second place. Thus Dr. Peter Tschentscher with the junior partner Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen continue to govern.

For other parties, the government crisis in Thuringia may have led to a dramatically weak election result. The FDP may experience a debacle with its result in the state election. The liberals have to worry about breaking the five percent hurdle for entry into the state parliament. The AfD was initially shown with only 4.7 percent of the vote , which would miss the entry into the citizenship. The CDU lags behind the poll values ​​from the beginning of the year, the Left Party is certainly represented in the citizenship.

Result of the Hamburg election 2020: figures from 6 p.m.

ARD (infratest dimap): SPD: 37.5% / Greens: 25.5% / CDU: 11.5% / Left: 9.0% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 4.7% / Other: 6.8%

ZDF (Research Group Elections): SPD: 38.0% / Greens: 25.5% / CDU: 11.0% / Leftists: 9.5% / FDP: 5.0% / AfD: 4.8% / Others 6 , 2%

Result of the Hamburg election 2020: First numbers from 6 p.m.

Update from 5:35 p.m .: The expectations of the parties should be clear. For the SPD, anything other than the election victory would be a disaster, because the Social Democrats were far ahead in the polls. The second place should hardly be taken from the Greens. The question is: can they catch up at short notice and become dangerous for the SPD at the top? For the FDP in particular, it was recently unclear whether the result of the Hamburg election would be enough to move into the citizenship. The goal is to cross the five percent hurdle.

Update from 5.15 p.m .: The result of the Hamburg election decides which coalition rules and who is the first mayor to lead the city-state. After the new citizenship (the state parliament of the Hanseatic city) has met, the parliament elects the first mayor.

Update of February 23, 4:30 p.m .: The voters in Hamburg can cast their votes for another hour and a half. Immediately afterwards, the results of the general election in Hamburg are counted. Voters at polling stations are already interviewed during the day so that the election researchers' first forecasts are available at 6 p.m. The fully counted results from individual polling stations are included in the more and more accurate projections in the course of the evening until the preliminary final result is finally determined.

Hamburg election 2020: when will the first projection and the results be available?

Hamburg - The Hamburg citizenship is the parliament of the city-state and thus the equivalent to the state parliament of the other federal states. Citizenship also assumes local political responsibility in the Hanseatic city .

121 MPs decide on the concerns of the 1.8 million inhabitants . However, these representatives must first be elected. On February 23, more than 1.39 million Hamburgers aged 16 and over were asked to elect a new state government.

Citizenship election 2015: Results of the last election in Hamburg

Since the last election in 2015, Hamburg has been governed by a coalition of SPD and Greens. Furthermore, CDU , Linke , FDP and AfD are represented in the previous citizenship. Two former Left MPs have been members of the parliament since leaving the group. And this year, too, the left is making headlines.

The SPD had clearly won in 2015 with 45.6 percent of the votes before the CDU (15.9 percent) and the Greens (12.3 percent). Initially, Olaf Scholz (SPD) held the post of mayor , and since his transfer to the Ministry of Finance, his party member Peter Tschentscher has taken over.

Citizenship election Hamburg 2020: forecasts for the upcoming election

As almost everywhere in Germany, the Social Democrats in Hamburg are at risk of losses. The Greens could also benefit here, as they send Katharina Fegebank into the race with a candidate who could have a good chance. If there is another coalition, Tschentscher has made a clear announcement *.

Specifically, the SPD will probably lose around 10 percent , as Infratest dimap recently calculated on behalf of the NDR . The Greens would grow strongly at the currently forecast 27 percent , while the CDU, FDP and Linke would lose slightly . The AfD could improve by about one percentage point.

Survey identifies living and renting as well as mobility as the most important issues for the 2020 election

A total of 15 parties are allowed to vote. In addition, there is also a list of candidates for the respective district, which can be chosen directly. 71 people move directly into the citizenship, 50 more via the lists of the parties.

The voters distribute their crosses according to a certain system on two ballots. The election notifications were sent out by early February. Alternatively, postal voting is also possible.

If you still need a decision-making aid, a version of the Wahl-O-Mat is also available for the Hamburg state election. The parties' election programs provide detailed information. You can follow the events on election evening in our live ticker.

Infratest dimap also asked citizens in advance about the most important issues. Mobility and rents were mentioned above all. The parties are particularly committed to the topic of housing . The SPD wants to build more social housing than before, the left goes on the offensive with promises of expropriation.

First projections for the Hamburg 2020 citizenship election already on election evening

The first projections will show how this is received by voters. When the polling stations close at 6 p.m., the preliminary counting begins. Based on the votes on the first piece of paper - that is, for those for the parties - the preliminary parliamentary group strength is determined.

Although only 50 out of 71 seats are distributed across the party lists, this can already provide a precise assessment of the end result. The party's vote applies to all 121 seats in the citizenship . If a party receives 20 percent of the vote, it can send 24 MPs.

Hamburg elections: This is what overhang mandates and equalization mandates are all about

However, the direct mandates also have an impact on who the party sends. If the party gets ten direct mandates from the example, it may nominate another 14 candidates. If it gets more direct mandates than its percentage seats in parliament, the parliament will be enlarged . The same applies to candidates who do not belong to any party or whose party fails at the five percent hurdle .

In such cases, there are not only overhang mandates , but also so-called compensation mandates . This happens, for example, again and again after Bundestag elections: Since the CDU decides for a large number of constituencies , the Bundestag must then be enlarged by these overhang mandates and just as many compensation mandates. Otherwise, the distribution of seats would shift in favor of the CDU.

The final result is only known after two weeks

The constituency votes are then counted on Monday (one day after the election). The directly elected members of the Hamburg citizenship will then be announced. In the evening, the regional returning officer then announces the preliminary results .

In principle, the outcome is thus fixed. However, the electoral authority does not announce the actual numbers until March 11 - more than two weeks later. In the meantime, the district offices check the counting records of the voluntary electoral boards. If there are any discrepancies, the counting is repeated.

In fact, not much changes during this time. In 2015 , for example, the SPD's result was revised downwards by 0.1 percentage points. A designated deputy, however, lost his place to a party member. The errors result from inaccuracies in the first quick counts.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen editorial network


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