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Local elections in Bavaria 2020: elections in municipalities and rural districts

3/10/2020, 9:37:48 AM

The local elections in Bavaria are likely to change the balance of power between the CSU, SPD and the Greens in the Free State. The AfD provides candidates for mayor for the first time.

The local elections in Bavaria are likely to change the balance of power between the CSU, SPD and the Greens in the Free State. The AfD provides candidates for mayor for the first time.

  • The municipal election 2020 in Bavaria * is scheduled for March 15, 2020 .
  • There are more parties and electoral groups in Munich than ever before.
  • The AfD provides candidates for mayor in Bavaria for the first time.

Munich - The Bavarian municipalities are concerned with the political offices for the next six years. There are two important dates for the local elections in Bavaria *: On March 15, the first ballot will take place, in which votes will be taken on district councilors, mayors and municipal bodies. If no candidate manages to pass the 50 percent mark in the personal elections , a runoff vote * will take place on March 29 for the office of district administrator or mayor.

What do the polls say before the local election?

There are hardly any exact figures on what result can be expected in the individual communities. After all, the general mood in the state does not determine the outcome of the election. The voters choose their representatives on the spot. At least one thing is shown by polls on local elections in Bavaria *: The voters want to be strongly oriented towards people when they vote. In larger cities, however, the trend is more clearly recognizable. For example, there are clear surveys on the OB election in Munich *.

Political situation before the 2020 local elections in Bavaria

Does the CSU continue to lose across Bavaria? Does the SPD even have to give way to the Greens in its stronghold in Munich? How will the FDP do after the debacle of the state election in Thuringia * in Bavaria? How many municipal parliaments in Bavaria will the AfD move into?

Local elections in Bavaria: these were the winners and losers in 2014

In the last local elections in 2014, the CSU lost considerable votes in many Bavarian constituencies and, for the first time in decades, had less than 40 percent of the votes cast nationwide. In the state capital of Munich, however, the CSU grew by almost five percentage points.

The SPD recorded a historically poor result in Bavaria in 2014 with 20.7 percent . The Greens in turn achieved their best result in the Free State with 10.2 percent. The party cheered even after the 2019 European elections *: 31.2 percent won in Munich. The results of the state election in Bavaria 2018 * have been similar since the AfD was represented with 22 seats in the state parliament. In the local election in Bavaria 2020 there is apparently a shortage of AfD candidates *.

Where will it be particularly exciting in the 2020 local elections?

In several Bavarian cities, the question of a possible change is at the top. In Munich *, the question arises as to whether Mayor (OB) Dieter Reiter (SPD) , who has ruled in Munich City Hall since 2014, may have to hand over his office to his challenger Katrin Habenschaden (Greens) or Kristina Frank (CSU) .

In Regensburg * in turn, mayor Joachim Wolbergs (formerly SPD) , who was suspended on suspicion of corruption, is running again in the local elections - with his own group of voters "Die Brücke". The lawsuit against Wolbergs is still ongoing. As chairman of "Die Brücke", he wants to run again for the OB office on March 15, 2020.

Augsburg * will definitely get a new boss in the town hall after the local election. The incumbent mayor Kurt Gribl (CSU) no longer wants to compete. Andreas Jurca is the first AfD politician to run for the OB office in the city. With Roland Hübscher, Nuremberg * also has an OB candidate from the AfD. Ulrich Maly (SPD) , who has ruled the city since 2002, waived another term. In Passau *, the SPD hopes to hold its OB position in an important Bavarian city. In Ingolstadt *, however, the CSU has to defend a decade-long reign.

District administrators in Bavaria: In these constituencies, the CSU has to fight in the local elections

In the local elections in Bavaria, in addition to mayors *, city councils, municipal councils * and district councils * , the district councils * are also determined. Wolfgang Rzehak (Green) District Administrator has been in Miesbach in Upper Bavaria since his CSU predecessor got into an affair. The CSU now wants to win back the constituency and sends OB Olaf von Löwis into the race.

There could also be a head-to-head race between black and green in Starnberg and Freising. The CSU also has a hard time in Miltenberg, where Jens Marco Scherfein, a Greens supported by several parties, rules. In Erding , the SPD, Greens and Free Voters want to overthrow CSU District Administrator Martin Bayerstorfer . The Free Voters have provided a dozen district councilors in Bavaria since 2014. In Lower Bavaria, where their Vice Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger lives, they could move to several district offices in 2020.

Useful information for voters in Bavaria

The latest on election day is the question of where to go to vote *. A look at the election notification *, which provides information about the polling station, helps. Among other things, it is noted whether the voting area can be reached without barriers. The request for postal voting * can also be found on it.

In the local elections in Bavaria, voters must once again prepare for very large and complex ballots *. For example, if the lists are available for the municipal councils to choose from, you cannot just tick the list itself. You can distribute a large number of votes among the individual list candidates. That means more influence for the voter - and a longer counting. In the 2020 local elections, the Bavarians elect around 39,500 political representatives and can use personal accumulation * to promote personal favorites.

When are the results of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria?

When there is a result * depends on the size of the respective municipality or city. In communities with 1,500 inhabitants, they are usually fixed around 6:30 p.m. In larger cities, it takes much longer to count the results. You can follow all developments in the local elections in Bavaria 2020 on election day in our live ticker *.

On you will find detailed results from many counties in Upper Bavaria and other cities in Bavaria. Below you can learn more about the results from:

  • Munich*
  • Nuremberg*
  • Passau *
  • Augsburg*
  • Regensburg*
  • Ingolstadt *
  • Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district *
  • Miesbach district *
  • Garmisch-Partenkirchen district *
  • Weilheim-Schongau district *
  • Fürstenfeldbruck district *
  • District of Starnberg *
  • Ebersberg district *
  • Dachau district *
  • Freising district *
  • District of Erding *
  • Munich district *

You will also find further information on municipal elections in Southeast Upper Bavaria in the city and district of Rosenheim *, district of Traunstein *, district of Mühldorf *, district of Altötting * and Berchtesgadener Land *.

*,,, and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


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