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Local elections in Bavaria 2020: how to draw up lists and what are the deadlines?


Would you like to propose candidates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria - or apply for a political office yourself? That runs through lists.

Would you like to propose candidates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria - or apply for a political office yourself? That runs through lists.

  • The next local elections in Bavaria will take place on Sunday, March 15, 2020 .
  • The run-off elections will take place two weeks later, on Sunday, March 29, 2020 .
  • A total of around 39,500 mandate holders are elected.

A candidate list - or even an election list, nomination or plain list - presents the candidates in a certain order in an election. Under certain circumstances, only one candidate can even be on the list.

Anyone who is a citizen of the EU and who also fulfills a few conditions can be selected from an election list - provided he or she finds enough supporters. For a mayor or district office there are a few more requirements.

Local elections in Bavaria: who can run?

The candidates in the local elections in Bavaria 2020 must meet these requirements:

  • You have to be an EU citizen
  • be at least 18 years old,
  • and have been living in the constituency for at least three months or have been shown to live in the constituency .
  • There is another prerequisite for the First Mayor and the District Administrator : You must have German citizenship .

Can non-party candidates also run in local elections?

Yeah Non-party parties can stand on the list of a party if they agree. You can also make your own line-up meeting and an election proposal if you get enough supporters. The deadline for entry in support lists ends on February 3, 2020, at 12 noon . A day later, the election committee decides on the validity of the nominations and list connections.

What are the deadlines for the candidate lists?

As soon as the election officer has announced the election, you can submit nominations . That happens at the earliest on the 89th , at the latest on the 66th day before the election day.

The regular deadline for submitting and withdrawing nominations is Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 6 p.m. The election supervisor then checks whether the candidate lists are correct and complete. Defects can still be remedied - within a certain period (Art. 32, Paragraphs 1 and 5). The election committee then meets and decides on the validity of the proposed lists. The election supervisor must publish the finally approved lists by February 18, 2020 at the latest.

Local elections 2020 in Bavaria: What are the tasks of the district administrator?

Creating lists for local elections: What do I have to consider when proposing an election?

  • Each election proposal must be signed by ten eligible voters .
  • The eligible voters may not be candidates or substitutes for an election proposal.
  • Each person may only sign one nomination .
  • Election nominations from new election nominees must be supported by other eligible voters in addition to the required signatures.


This is how the parish and district parliaments work in Bavaria

© Munich Mercury

Free choice of lists: What is "pre-cumulation"?

It may be in your interest not to give away a vote in the local elections. A party or electoral group in Bavaria can also present individual candidates several times on their election list - for example, if they do not get their list “full”. The AfD, for example, has this problem in Bavaria: There are too few candidates to fill city and local council lists. *

Local election Bavaria 2020: What else should I know about the lists?

  • Since the signatures for an election proposal must be collected, it is wise to submit an election proposal for the constellation assembly as early as possible. Deadline is January 23, 2020 .
  • At the assembly meeting, on the other hand, it would be good to have enough supporters for the ten signatures.

Lists in the local elections in Bavaria: What are "phantom candidates"?

If there is not enough candidate for the number of posts to be filled in a community (usually these are very small communities), voters can also put candidates on the lists on election day that do not run themselves.

In the last local elections in 2014, for example, Martin Klein did not apply for the Wildsteiger top office - nevertheless he received almost 34 percent of the vote as a “phantom candidate” for the office of mayor.


How to correctly fill out the ballot paper for the 2020 municipal election in Bavaria.

© Munich Mercury

In 2014, a man became mayor in the municipality of Schwaigen, who was not on the ballot paper at all: Hubert Mangold was so popular that 55 citizens spontaneously wrote him on their ballot papers and sent him to the runoff election. The incumbent mayor Karl Schwarzberger had not even received half of the votes in the first ballot - even though he was the only candidate.

Our cheat sheet for the local election in Bavaria 2020 as PDF for download and printing .

All information and dates for the 2020 local elections in Bavaria can be found here. Results of the 2020 local elections will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020, from *. In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-09

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