The Limited Times

Iran: "Remove the sanctions" | Israel today

3/13/2020, 8:19:20 PM

the Middle East

Foreign Minister Zarif appeals to UN to remove US sanctions because of Corona's fight • Many Iranian regime members have been hit by the deadly virus

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Zarif contacted UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterresh on Friday to help remove US sanctions because of the fight against the Corona virus.

Iran: Corona patient passed out near hospital entrance // Photo: From Twitter

"I urge the United Nations - and its members - to ignore the inhuman U.S. sanctions. Insist they will be removed, "Zarif wrote in a tweet in the Twitter account to which he attached the letter." When the Corona virus strikes Iran, we should remember that the viruses do not make a diagnosis. To fight them, humans don't have to make such a diagnosis either. "

In a letter he wrote, among other things: "The US administration imposes a collective punishment on the Iranian people, including denying them the possibility of preventing them from taking part in the global market for humanity, contrary to their slogans repeated by the Americans - this is clear.

"So far, unfortunately, the international community is less aware of the economic terrorism that the US is directly - and deliberately - undermining in our efforts to fight the Corona epidemic in Iran."

In a letter to UN SG @antonioguterres, I urge the world body — and member states — to disregard inhuman US sanctions on my country. And insist that they be lifted.

As the # COVID19 ravages Iran, we should recognize that viruses do not discriminate. To fight them, neither should humans.

- Javad Zarif (@JZarif) March 13, 2020

Meanwhile, media outlets in the country reported the death of Nasser Shabani, a general in the Revolutionary Guards, died of the Corona virus. Shabani is the most senior in the organization who died as a result of the deadly virus outbreak in Iran.

In Iran, the world's third largest eruption center after China and Italy, the death toll continues to climb. According to official reports from the Iranian authorities, 85 people have died as a result of the virus in the last 24 hours, raising the number of dead to 514 since the outbreak of the plague in the country. Statewide, there are 11,364 reported infections.

Many of the victims of the virus in Iran are part of the regime, with some of those patients dying in recent weeks as a result of the infection.

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