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Local election 2020 in the district of Miesbach: Mayor candidates from all municipalities

3/15/2020, 11:28:45 AM

On March 15, 2020 there will be municipal elections in the district of Miesbach. Many things are open to the mayors. Here we offer you an overview of all candidates.

On March 15, 2020 there will be municipal elections in the district of Miesbach. Many things are open to the mayors. Here we offer you an overview of all candidates.

  • The municipal election 2020 in Miesbach - here we give a first overview sorted by regions and municipalities.
  • On election day (March 15, runoff: March 29, 2020), we will report live in a ticker all results as soon as they are known, other news and statements on all mayoral elections as well as on district and district council elections, or all municipal and city council elections in the Miesbach district .
  • Not only are there votes for 14 mayor and district council posts, but also for the 304 seats in the municipal councils of the 17 cities and municipalities and the 60 seats in the district council.

+++ Mayor election results +++

+++ Results of local council elections +++

Mayor election in Schlierach and Leitzachtal

Bayrischzell: In Bayrischzell, incumbent Georg Kittenrainer from the CSU races again. Albert Jupé (FW) is also a challenger for kitten trainers. The FWG had also previously nominated its candidates, as had the newly founded Greens.

All information about the municipality and mayor election in Bayrischzell can be found here.

Hausham: Jens Zangenfeind (free voters) rules in Hausham, who moved to the new town hall in 2019 and is back in office. The CSU has already nominated a list, but has ruled out a candidate. The SPD has also nominated its list like the Greens.

Schliersee: There will be a three-way battle in Schliersee. Mayor Franz Schnitzenbaumer (CSU) is back and meets the opposing candidates Gerhard Waas (Greens) and Michael Dürr (PWG). The Greens have already nominated the list for the municipal council. The Schliersee want again to bring at least five candidates to the municipal council. The CSU also hopes for more. The lists of PWG and SPD are somewhat narrow.

All information about the municipality and mayor election in Schliersee there was here.

Fischbachau : The CSU Fischbachau positioned itself in February 2019. She wants to nominate her local chairman Josef Obermaier as a candidate to succeed Josef Lechner. The Independent Free Voters came up with a surprise: they sent 29-year-old Johannes Lohwasser into the race, and the list is already there. For the first time, the Free Active Citizens (FaB) are also nominating a candidate: Georg Gruber. And the Greens are also celebrating a premiere.

All information on the municipality and mayor election in Fischbachau there was here.

Miesbach: Mayor candidates have already emerged in the district town of Miesbach: Florian Hupfauer is running for the FDP. The CSU nominates its chairman and city council member Gerhard Braunmiller. For the Greens, local chairwoman and city councilor Astrid Güldner has decided to run. Finally, in mid-October free voters and the SPD agreed on the impartial Walter Fraunhofer, which belongs to the SPD faction in the city council. The race is completely open. The CSU has already nominated its candidates for the city council, as have the SPD, the Greens and the Free Voting Community.

All information about the city and mayor election in Miesbach there was here.

Irschenberg: Irschenberg is completely outside: there the successor for the late Hans Schönauer (FW Niklasreuth) was elected on Sunday, May 26, who will then remain in office until 2026 in the course of the harmonization of the election dates. Marcus Hermann (active citizens), Klaus Meixner (CSU) and Hans Nirschl (free voters Irschenberg / Reichersdorf) were nominated as candidates. In the end, the winner was most surprised by the result. In the meantime, the lists for the 2020 municipal council election have already been fixed: the Irschenberg Free Voting Community has nominated its candidates, as have the CSU, the newly founded Free Voting Community Reichersdorf, the Free Voting Community Niklasreuth and the Active Citizens / FDP.

Results for the local elections in the district of Miesbach

You can find out who wins the race on election evening in our result article for Miesbach.

Mayor candidates 2020 in the Tegernsee valley

Gmund: In the Tegernsee valley, the mayor election is no longer part of the cycle: on March 11, 2018, Gmund elected Alfons Besel (FWG). The CSU has already nominated its list. The candidates of the SPD and Greens have also been chosen.

Kreuth: There is no mayoral election in Kreuth either. Josef Bierschneider (CSU) was confirmed in office on September 25, 2016.

Tegernsee: City councilor Johannes Hagn (CSU) is back in Tegernsee. For the incumbent, it will not be a solo attempt. The FWG Tegernsee nominates Michael Bourjau as a candidate for mayor. The SPD also wants to go to the local elections with a candidate for mayor: for the third time, local chairman Thomas Mandl is applying for the office.

All information about the city and mayor election in Tegernsee there was here.

Rottach-Egern: CSU Mayor Christian Köck (CSU) from Rottach-Egern also starts again. These parties and groups have already nominated: CSU, Blitz, FWG.

Bad Wiessee: There are already candidates in Bad Wiessee: CSU chief Florian Sareiter is running in Bad Wiessee. The list of CSU municipal council candidates is now also available. The SPD nominates Robert Kühn as a candidate for mayor. In contrast, the Wiesseer Block does not offer any mayor candidates for the first time. This marks the end of an era: the Wiesseer Block has provided the town's mayor since the end of the war. It hadn't looked like this for a long time, but now there is a third candidate for mayor in Bad Wiessee. The Greens send Johannes von Miller into the race.

All information about the municipality and mayor election in Bad Wiessee there was here.

Waakirchen: In Waakirchen, Sepp Hartl (FWG) has now decided to withdraw. Norbert Kerkel (FWG) applies for the succession and is number one on the FWG list. The CSU has nominated community manager Markus Liebl. The SPD sends Andreas Kilian into the race. The Greens also want to get involved in the future and offer Cornelia Riepe as a candidate for mayor. Now the Active Citizens' Association (ABV) has nominated: It sends Rudi Reber into the race for the second time as mayor candidate. The number six candidate is Rainer Hölscher. The Free Voters (FW) send him into the race.

All information about the municipality and mayor election in Waakrichen there was here.

Exciting situation in Holzkirchen & surroundings

At first glance, the north of the district around Holzkirchen seemed to be the most boring corner: all office holders can start again. But there has been some movement in the preparations for the 2020 local elections in recent months.

Valley: Andreas Hallmannsecker (FWG), Mayor in Valley, will not compete. Instead, he runs for the post of district administrator. With Bernhard Schäfer, the FWG has nominated its candidate for Hallmannsecker's successor. Vice Mayor Anton Huber is in the race for the CSU, Angela Falkenhahn for the SPD.

All information on the community and mayoral election in Valley there was here.

Weyarn : Leonhard Wöhr (CSU) can start again in Weyarn.

Holzkirchen: Holzkirch's council chief Olaf von Löwis wants to become district administrator. Christoph Schmid (CSU), Robert Wiechmann (Greens), Elisabeth Dasch for the SPD and Torsten Hensel for the free voters want to succeed him in Holzkirchner Rathaus. The FDP has made a list for the first time since 2008, Greens and SPD want to improve their results and the CSU has the absolute majority in mind.

All information about the municipality and mayor election in Holzkirchen there was here.

Warngau: Mayor of Thuringia, Klaus Thurnhuber (FWG), was treated as a potential candidate for the district council of free voters. After the heavy bull attack on Thurnhuber, the decisions were on hold. It is now clear that he is starting his third term as mayor. The CSU challenges the incumbent with Leonhard Obermüller. The Greens send Andrea Anderssohn into the race as a candidate, Hans Gillhuber has nominated the Draxlham list.

All information about the municipality and mayor election in Warngau there was here.

Otterfing: A new mayor is elected in Otterfing: Jakob Eglseder (CSU) renounces his candidacy after 18 years in office. The SPD found an applicant in Michael Falkenhahn.

All information about the municipality and mayor election in Otterfing there was here.

The district administrator wants to remain district administrator

All information about the district election in the district of Miesbach including the video of the panel discussion and short portraits of the candidates can be found here.

And last but not least, there is also a district election. Incumbent Wolfgang Rzehak (Greens), one of the first two Greens' regional councilors in Bavaria, wants to run again and maintain his position against the challengers. So far, these are Holzkirchen's mayor Olaf von Löwis from the CSU and Martin Beilhack, who is running for the Bayern party. In the meantime, Christine Negele (SPD) and Ursula Lex (FDP) have joined the group, and Andreas Hallmannsecker is running for the free electoral community. The left, however, relies on Angela Sterr. As candidate number eight, the free voters - who, unlike the FWG, are also represented in the state parliament - nominated Gisela Hölscher together with the FW list for the district council. Without district council candidates, the list of district councils of the ödp appears. The AfD has not drawn up a district day list. But the district chairman Alois Ostermair is an AfD politician as a candidate for the district administrator.

Local elections 2020 in Bavaria - all information

When do you vote? What does the ballot paper look like? We have already compiled all the information on the 2020 local elections in Bavaria.

You can find all articles on the 2020 local elections in the Miesbach district on our large topic page.

All of the podium discussions in our newspaper at a glance

It will start in a few days. Then our newspaper in Holzkirchen starts its first panel discussion on the 2020 local elections. We bring the applicants together on one stage in six municipalities with a new mayor. In addition, all eight applicants for the office of district administrator meet. An overview of the dates:

Holzkirchen: Wednesday, January 29, in the Oberbräu Hall, starting at 7.30 p.m., admission from 6.30 p.m.

Miesbach (mayor election): Thursday, January 30, in the Bräuwirt hall, beginning at 7.30 p.m., admission from 6.30 p.m.

Miesbach (district election): Tuesday, February 4, in the Waitzinger Keller hall, starting at 7.30 p.m., admission to the cultural center is from 6.30 p.m., admission to the hall from 7 p.m.

Otterfing: Thursday, February 6, in the primary school auditorium, beginning at 7.30 p.m., admission from 6.30 p.m.

Bad Wiessee: Wednesday, February 12, at the Hotel Gasthof zur Post, starting at 7.30 p.m., admission from 6.30 p.m.

Fischbachau: Thursday, February 13, in the Wolfsseehalle, starting at 7.30 p.m., admission from 6.30 p.m.

Waakirchen: Sunday, February 16, in the gymnasium of the primary school, starting at 11.30 a.m., admission from 11 a.m.

You can find the latest news about the election in the news ticker for the Miesbach district.


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